Boom, Smash, the Lightning Crash

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Harry's P.O.V.
  I awoke to a loud crashing coming from downstairs. Before thinking I jumped up, ready for pretty much anything.
  I heard more banging and knocking. As I went to go to the door, the twins came in. "Act like you're asleep. It's under control." They paused. More banging and knocking. "Just don't move." Their normally joking look was gone. Replaced by a serious look mixed with ... Fear, relief? I followed instructions and thought about what it could be.
  It was probably because of me. I always have to attract attention. Why else would anyone want to potentially hurt a Weasly? They're so nice, they'd take anyone into their home and make them family.
  Just then, I heard the door crack open. I felt, rather than saw someone come into the room. I gripped my wand mentally preparing myself for what might come next.
  I realized the footsteps were too soft and delicate to be dangerous, so I risked peeking. I opened my  eyes, just a crack, and saw Ginny hovering by my bed. "What's wrong, Gin?"
  She crawled into the bed and curled into me. "I'm scared. Can I sleep in here?" I held her closer to reassure her. "It's going to be okay." She nodded and burrowed deeper into my arms. "I know. Now that I'm here. I'll always be safe with you."
"Forever." It wasn't a question. It was a statement, a fact. I would keep it true with my life.
  I listened as her breathing got slow and heavy. I smiled, knowing that I was probably one of the luckiest, albeit most scared, people in the world right now. Just holding her in my arms was enough to make me happier. Knowing that she would be there when I woke up, no matter what. No matter what we woke up to.
  I sleepily smiled at the thought as my eyelids got heavy. My eyes closed and I drifted into a deep, satisfying, pretty much dreamless, sleep.

Ron's P.O.V.
  I woke up to see Harry and my sister. Asleep, and clinging to each other for dear life. I'm not exactly sure what my first thought was, but it partially consisted of "what the fuck".
  I remembered faintly waking up to... I'm not sure, but I think it was a storm. The thunder was really loud.
  I walked over to their occupied bed. "What are you doing?!" They both jumped up and, before I knew it, Harry had his wand pointed at me.
  I thought I was going to die, but then he realized it was just me. "Oh, I'm sorry." He said as he took his wand away. Ginny glared daggers at me. "Do you know how scared I was?! You're just lucky it wasn't me with a wand. You wouldn't've had a head by the time I was through."
  Every word could have been a block of ice, it was so cold. Yet, she had a mysterious, and frankly scary, calm to her voice.
  "Uhm... I'm... Sorry? Let's just go get breakfast or something." She nodded and her face softened. "Okay, I'll get Hermione. We left out of the room, she went to hers and we went to the kitchen.
  "So... What was it that was happening last night? I have a feeling that it wasn't a storm." He confirmed my thoughts by nodding. "I don't know what happened, but I know that it wasn't a storm."
  It was probably another person from the ministry. Or somebody from the order, considering we have a bunch of order members, and who they're protecting, in our house. We made it to the bottom of the stair, both of us lost in our own thought.
  I smelled the food before I saw it. Snapping out of my thought, I rushed to the table. "Good morning." She sat a plate in front of me. I piled food on it and started eating.
  Hermione and Ginny came down a few seconds later. "Well, what happened?" I heard Hermione whisper to Ginny. She shrugged her shoulders and sat down.
  "Alright. Since you're all down here, I guess you want to know what happened last night. Yeah, I thought so. Anyways, it's official. The ministry does not approve of the order. They said we can't meet, or do anything 'un-ministry like'. Well, be expecting this more. But, just know, they wouldn't hurt us - they aren't allowed to hurt us."
  We ate in silence. I was wondering what would happen. Would dad lose his job? Would Harry be taken away? They both sounded like worst case scenarios, but I knew it could be alot worse.

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