Cool for the Summer, Warm for the fall

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Ginny's P.O.V.
  It was finally the day September 1st. My things were packed and I was ready to go. I was ready to get back to Hogwarts. No matter how much I say I don't want to go or I don't like school. I honestly love Hogwarts. It gets me away from this place for a while.
  When bags were packed and breakfast was eaten we left. I've memorized the route there. It takes less than ten minutes.
  King's Cross smelled the same as it always does. Stale air, sweat, food, and strong perfumes.
    I watched the boys run through the wall onto the platform. Fred, then George, Harry, then Ron, Hermione, and finally me. I had always been the last one to go. At some point I would be the only one to go, but not yet.
  I shook the thought from my head as my parents came through. Harry groped backwards for my hand. "Let's go. We need to get to our seats." I waved to my parents, maybe they could see me.
  We rushed through the crowd of people and pulled open the door. I let out a sigh of relief that no one was in there.
  Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I sat in our normal spots. "We should get to the prefect carriage."
  Ron looked over at Hermione in bewilderment, then he realised that he was a prefect. "Oh! Yeah! That... Then, let's go so we can get back."
  They left and Harry put his arms around me and I put my head on his shoulder. "I love you, Gin."
  "Forever?" I looked up and kissed him. "Of course Gin. Forever."
  He was mine. The thought settled in my head. He was mine. He was mine. He is mine. Forever. "You are mine." I liked the way the words tasted as they came out. It made it more real. "Of course I am. Did you just realize that?"
  "No. I just wanted to say it." He smiled at me and another small realization came on. We had been cool for the summer. And we would be warm in the winter in each others arms.

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