Being 15 (part 2)

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Harry's P.O.V.
About twenty minutes after lunch, Ginny pulled me into her room. We fell back onto the bed.
She leaned to kiss me but I stopped her. "Wait, what about Mrs. Weasly?" Ginny rolled her eyes. "She making the cake and dinner." She leaned in again and I stopped her. "What about Ron and the twins?" She sighed. "What if I DON'T REALLY CARE!"
She kissed me and I forgot what I was going to say, if anything at all. She was right next to me and it was amazing. For the second time in one-
"Hello!" Sirius popped cheerfully in the room. We moved to get up, but only succeeded in tangling ourselves in the blanket. "What do you want Sirius?" Ginny snapped. "I figured you might like some privacy and-"
"Oh! Really?!" I was on the verge of laughing. "Yes. As a present for Harry I will put a couple of charms on the door to keep people out. How does that sound, Harry."
Ginny was nuzzling my neck at the same time a was about to say "yes", so it came out more as a high pitched squeak. "I'll take that as a yes." He walked out and closed the door.
"What do we do now, Gin?" I asked when we were finally untangled. "Won't it be more fun if we just left off where we started?" She kissed me again, her hands running through my hair when Sirius walked in again.
"REALLY?!" She jerked up with a handful of my hair. "OW! Gin!" She hugged me "I'm sorry Harry." Sirius coughed to get our attention. "I see that you two waste no time, but you have an hour before everything is ready. That's my last comment." He left and we went back to where we started.
Ginny had one hand in my hair and the other tugging at the hem of my shirt. I helped her pull it over my head and she took off hers. We were pressed together, warmth radiating off our bodies. "DINNER'S READY!" Mrs. Weasly called from the kitchen.
Ginny sat up, trying to catch her breath. She fell back with a amazing grin on her face and I realized the same one was probably plastered to mine.
We hurried and got the rest of the way clothed. As we rushed down I had one thought. "Who knows how far that could have went..." A smile crossed my face at the thought and I grabbed Ginny's hand.
She smiled up at me and we walked down the rest of the way. "Hey Gin, I just realized something. I'm two years older than you for eleven more days." She rolled her eyes at me. "Well, I hope you don't break up with me for eleven days because, who knows, I might get over you very quickly and find someone else."
"Wait Ginny... Are you cheating on me?!" She laughed. "No. I understand your concern, but no. I love you. Especially when you're jealous." We were finally in the dining room and I did another head count. Remus and Tonks, Sirius, the Weaslys. I'm glad they kept it simple. Just the people close to me having nice conversations.
Dinner passed pretty uneventfully. Until the candles were lit on the cake, that is. Fred and George thought it would be funny if the candles flew off the cake at the last minute. It was really funny, actually.
Mrs. Weasly got the candles under control and turned to the twins. "What in Merlin's name gave you the idea to do that?!" They looked innocently at her. "Mother, why would you suspect us to do such a thing?" She went from midly upset to downright scary. "Do not lie to me! Now you've ruined Harry's birthday and it's all your fault!"
Sirius excused himself from the table to try and control his laughter. Gradually, Remus, Tonks, and Ron went too. "It's okay Mrs. Weasly. It's not ruined. They just gave it a bit of flourish..." I tried to sound calm and help them out.
As Mrs. Weasly turned to me her expression softened. "Are you sure Harry?" I nodded and the twins looked at me gratefully. "That does not excuse either of you! It could have been ruined!" New peals of laughed cane from outside the door and I smirked.
Eventually they came back in and we ate cake. Afterwards Remus gave me at least five large chocolate bars. "You can never have enough." Tonks just rolled her eyes and dragged him out. Ron came up to me and gave me Honeydukes candy to last a lifetime... Or maybe a couple weeks. Hermione got me a snow globe with a tiny muggle London. Ron and Ginny marveled at how muggles could make such things without magic.
"I got an extra one and have it to Mr. Weasly. It should keep him occupied for a good week." We laughed at how they were reacting. It was almost as good as when I told them about the postman that doesn't run on Sunday.
I have a feeling that being fifteen will be an awesome experience. Just two more years before I'm an official wizard adult.

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