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Harry's P.O.V.
Mrs. Weasly decided to go out today. Ron and the twins were complaining about always being stuck inside, so she took them with her. "We need grocery." Yeah, right I'm sure that you can't just magic it here. It was almost lunchtime and the only adult there was Sirius. But there was another problem. One of the Order members needed a babysitter.
Sirius boldly accepted the challenge. "I took care of Harry when he was small, not much could have changed." The child is two.
"Sirius, I'm hungry what are we going to eat?" Ginny asked. "Uhm, I don't know... Ask Kreacher." She sighed and left. She came back a few minutes later with no food. "He said he doesn't have to listen to blood traitors like me." She took the kid and Sirius left. "I'll get him."
"He's so cute... If only he would stop- OW! Pulling my hair." She fell onto the couch and I sat down beside her.
"We are alone, for the first time in a week, and what are we doing? Watching a little kid." She grabbed my hand. "Michael!" He screeched at me. "I already know your name, pipsqueak. I'm pretty sure you've told me it at least five times." Ginny laughed. "And I'm pretty sure that he doesn't understand a word that you've said. Well, I guess we will have to make up for it later." She laughed again. I love it when she laughs.
Sirius came back in. "I don't think we are going to get very good food from Kreacher and I don't exactly know how to cook... Once you've had food shoved at you for twelve years, you kind of lose that skill." Ginny sighed and shoved Michael into my arms. "Guess we're having peanut butter sandwiches."
She came back fifteen minutes later, with sandwiches and tea. "Hungry." Michael said. "Yeah, I kind of figured that out already." I sat him in a chair and gave him a sandwich.
We ate and he had peanut butter all over his hands and face. "What do we do now?" Sirius asked. "What do you mean " what do we do now" I thought you watched kids before?!" He looked at Ginny. "I said I've watched Harry before. And he never made messes like this." She sighed. "Well, first of all, we have to get him clean..." Sirius took out his wand. "What are you do-"
"Scourgify!" Michal was suddenly covered in soap bubbles and crying. "YOU DONT CLEAN BABIES LIKE THAT!" She rushed over to him and picked him up. "Let's go get you cleaned up." She mumbled and left.
Sirius looked at me and I shrugged. "I'm gonna go help her." He nodded and I left. I looked for Ginny but couldn't find her. I looked all around the house and it must have been ten minutes before I finally found her in her room.
"Do you want any help? I would have helped you sooner, but I couldn't find you." I walked over to her. "Yeah, just hold him while I put his clothes on." He tried to squirm away, but I held him.
When he was finally dressed we went to take him back to the drawing room, but then someone walked in. Ginny went to check who it was. "Mom! You're back!" I let out a sigh of relief and went to meet them.
"Oh, little Michael looks adorable. Now he needs a nap." She took him up to one of the rooms and must have laid him down.
Be was only up for about five minutes when someone else walked in. Mrs. Weasly went to meet them. "Hestia! Yes, Michael is just in here. He's been an absolute angle. Sirius, Harry, and Ginny had him while I was out. They did a wonderful job. He's eaten and taken a nap..."
Hestia walked into the kitchen. "Mommy!" Michael ran into her arms. "Oh, Michael. Mommy missed you, yes she did!" She took his hand and they left. I am never having kids.
"Harry, that was so fun! And you were so good with him! I didn't know you had it in you." Ginny said and she hugged me. I probably blushed.

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