The Poem Book

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Ron's P.O.V.
We went out and played quidditch and I got to try out my new broom. It. Was. Awesome. Sure, it wasn't as good as Harry's broom, but, still. It was way better than my old cleansweep. The game went as normal, except a saved a couple more quaffles.
Afterwards, we went inside, cleaned off, ate, and everything else. I went upstairs to see Hermione. I walked into the room she was sharing with Ginny, taking a wild guess that she would be in there.
She wasn't, neither was her book (she was reading something about rings and lords), so I decided to take my search elsewhere. As I went to go out the door I ran into a desk. A book fell off of it and I picked it up.
I looked at the cover to see if it was possibly the one Hermione was reading.
It said The Poem Book - Ginny Weasly. I debated on weather to open it or not.
Curiosity got the better of me, besides, last time Ginny had a weird book nobody knew about she almost died. I opened it to a random page.

It's cold and dark,
Inside my heart,
When you're not around.
But in your arms,
Safe from harms,
It is warm and bright. -

Since when does Ginny write poetry. And who is this about. Maybe I'll ask her later, I don't know. Curiosity got the best of me and I let the book fall open to a random page. Coincidentally, it was the last page written on. Or, at least it had something (a napkin) stuck on it.

Just remember,
I wrote this for you.
I did what you asked
(And tried to make it nice, too)
All of my love?
You haven't a clue.
Yes, this probably sucks,
But I wrote it for you.
*happy birthday Gin! I love you. I hope you can look past how bad this is, because you didn't think I would do it!!*

Ugh. Harry wrote something for Ginny. Why?! Well... Hermione and I don't do a bunch of random stuff out in the middle of everything. I turned to the first page to try and get my mind off of them.

His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine,
He's really divine.
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord

I almost laughed. Had she had this for that long? I smirked and started to turn the pages.
All of a sudden, I heard footsteps coming from down the hall. I scrambled to put the book back where it was and sat/fell on Hermione's bed.
I crossed my fingers and hoped it was Hermione that would come through the door. The door opened to a confused Hermione and I let out my breath.
"What were you doing in here?" Fuck, why hadn't I thought of that?! "Uh... Erm... I was just... Waiting for you..." She looked convinced and I smiled. She came and sat beside me, so I put my arm around her. "I'm surprised how long you waited for me. I waited in you're room for a good ten minutes."
I smirked, she was totally buying it. I layered on the charm and scooted closer to her. "Well, if you love someone enough..." She smiled shyly and her cheeks turned a shade of red. She turned toward me and held my hand. "I really love you."
I felt the heat rush to my face and ears. "I love you, too." I pulled her close to me and kissed her softly. It never gets old. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me again.
Well, I guess looking through that book did some good after all. At least for me.

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