Eleven Days

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Ginny's P.O.V.
Apparently, Harry's not the only one that realized that I'm still thirteen for eleven more days... Well, ten if you don't count today. Ron thinks it is his duty to remind me that Harry and I are two years apart until my birthday.
Hermione came up to me the day before we are supposed to go back home. "I'm going to tell Ron to stop. Is that okay?" I laughed as I thought about the plans for him. "Oh no. Please do not tell him. You don't mind me doing an... Expirament, do you?"
She frowned unapprovingly as if she already knew my plan, but she nodded. "Go right ahead." Oh, I am going to have some fun.
We got up the next morning and said our goodbyes and went back home. It was mom, dad, the twins, ron, Hermione, Harry, and I.
When we got back Ron, the twins, Harry, and I went out to play quidditch. Ron was keeper, he keeps saying that this year he's trying out. Harry chased around the snitch, he was going to reclaim his place as seeker. And the twins and I were chasers (only because mom told them not to take out the bludgers again...), but I want to be a chaser this year. Alicia is going to be gone, so there's a position open.
It was well after lunch when we finally went inside. We were hot and sticky and hungry. "No! You will go clean yourselves up before you eat one thing!" Mom yelled at us after looking each and every one of us down.
She was glaring daggers at us, so I figured it might be best to do what she said the first time.
After I was clean and fed, I went up to my room. "Hello Hermione." She glanced up from her book. "Hey, Ginny! Are the guys in too?" I smirked and nodded at her. All she tried to do was "talk to" or "study with" Ron. She thinks I don't know what that means. I do.
I pointed the way of the kitchen and she hopped up. "Okay... I'm just gonna go and... Yeah. See you later then."
I decided that I should try to do the homework for the summer. I got my stuff and miagrated to the bed. "Alright." I said to the room, "potions. Ugh. What is this?! This is stupid. I'm gonna ask someone else to do it... Hey isn't this what Hermione had last year? I bet it is... I'll just find hers. Okay I've done everything... Well I've got it planned out."
I went to Harry and Ron's room to find Harry. I walked in on Ron and Hermione doing what they do and silently walked back out. I'm nice and don't interrupt people.
I walked down to the kitchen to see if he was in there. He wasn't but Fred was, so I waited so that I could ask him. "Mom, can I go to Angelina's house... She invited me. Yeah, we're going to play quidditch..." She pursed her lips and thought about it. "Well, okay. Just once. You can go if you're not doing anything wrong."
I rolled my eyes. I followed him as he walked out. "Hey, Freddie do you know where Harry went?" He jumped and turned to look at me. "And why should I tell you, especially when I know what you- OW! What was that for?!' I stomped his toes. "Oh, you want me to tell mumsy what you are really planning to do."
His face paled a bit. "No. I really hate you sometimes though. Harry is doing something for George." I raised my eyebrows. "Are you trying to kill him or in any way incapacitate him?"
"No. Uhm... Just an expirament... Who exactly were you going to kill if I said yes?" I hit him with my specialty, a jelly legs hex. "I said he wasn't going to die. Stop it!" I smiled and said the counter curse. "Leave me, peasant." He looked at me curiously but left.

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