Being 15 (part 1)

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Ginny's P.O.V.
I snuck into Ron and Harry's room and tip-toed to the far side of Harry's bed. I crouched down and listened for noise. It was silent so I peeked my head over to see. I don't think Ron would appreciate it if he was woken up at midnight. Especially if it was me. In his room. While he was asleep. I almost laughed at the though, but I put my plan into action.
I pulled Harry off of the bed and covered his mouth with my hand. His eyes shot open to see my over him with what had to be a maniacal grin on my face. "You can't make a noise when I uncover your mouth.
I took my hand away and he was going to say something. I stopped him with a kiss. Works every time. Ron moved on his bed and I jerked up. "Tell him something!" I mouthed and pushed him up.
He stood just as Ron sat up. "What're you doing up?" He grumbled. "I uh... Had bad dreams, you know. Fell off the bed." Ron mumbled something else and Harry sat down until Ron started to snore.
We got up and went out the door. "Where are we going, Gin?" He whispered. "It's a surprise." He stopped me and turned me around. "This had better be a good surprise." I nodded to reassure him. "Yeah, it should be good."
I lead him to the room where Buckbeak usually was. Sirius temporarily relocated him. "What are we doing in here?" He stopped. "There is a room- I think it's a closet- through this door. Come on, hurry up!"
We went into the room. It was a really big closet. I don't know how Buckbeak got this room. I fell into Harry and noticed something. I had been so focused on his face and getting us here I hadn't noticed that he didn't have a shirt on.
"Not again." He said. It took me a second to realize what he meant. In that second, he had me pinned against the wall. I smiled at him. "I really tripped, but this works too." I kissed him and remembered the reason he was here. "And Harry... Happy birthday." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Reason six. You give the best presents."

Harry's P.O.V.
Best. Birthday. Ever. I wasn't at the Dursley's. I was going to be with people that cared about me. Whatever else happened, nothing could ruin this birthday.
It didn't matter that Ginny pulled me out of bed at close the midnight. I got to spend the first part of the day with her and no interruptions. We went back to our own rooms and slept... Or at least I fell asleep.
I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I walked (or zombied) my way down stairs. I was going to sit at the table, but there were people in my way. "Happy birthday, Harry!" How were people up this early? And they were like normal people... Wow.
We ate pancakes and eggs and bacon. Mrs. Weasly makes the best food. When we all finished eating, everyone went to the living room. I counted out who was here. The Weaslys, Sirius, Remus and Tonks, Mad-Eye. Dumbledore?! He never comes or goes anywhere. Why is he here?
I spent the rest of the morning with people all around me telling me happy birthday and clapping me on the back.
Right before lunch Ginny pulled me into the hallway. "There are less people here." I nodded and we sat against the wall. "Here. Open up." She held up a cookie and I stared at it. "Don't you trust me?" What? Of course I trusted her, why would she question that?! And Ron is a terrible spy. He was very visible right around the corner. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth.
SMACK! Now there was cookie all over my face. "Ginny! Really!" In two seconds there were three people in the hallway. Those people happened to be Hermione, Sirius, and Mrs. Weasly. Wonderful. Ron was still in his spot. "WHAT IS HAPPENING IN HERE!" Mrs. Weasly shouted at us, after seeing my face. "Well, I asked Harry if he trusted me. He hesitated." They all looked at me like I killed a puppy.
"Emotional teaspoon!" Hermione grabbed Ron by the arm and left. Mrs. Weasly sighed and left. Sirius came up to me. "Never hesitate on any questions that a girl asks you. Ever." He whispered in my ear and left.
Ginny got me a napkin and wiped off my face. She kissed me and left.
I went up to my room. On my bed was a package wrapped just in brown paper. There was a card beneath it. I opened the card first.

Firstly, happy birthday. I have not much time to stay so I've left you your present. I do hope that you like it. It works wonderfully if you have a fight with your girlfriend.
Signed, Dumbledore

I opened the package and found a bar of chocolate. It didn't smell like chocolate though... It smelled like the burrow and Ginny's hair and good thing about my life.
I'm pretty sure Hermione told me about something like this. It was a potion to attract you... Amortenia! It's a love potion! I have got to remember to thank Dumbledore.
I put the chocolate up and went back down. It was almost lunchtime. Mad-Eye pulled me over to the side. "I can't stay long, but I found this and thought you might like it." He pulled a picture out and handed it to me. "This is an old Order photo." I looked at it the people were moving so they could all be seen. There was Dumbledore, Mad-Eye, Sirius, two people that had to be Neville's parents, and my parents. "Uh... Thank you. This means a lot to me." He nodded and hobbled out.
I ran back upstairs and put the picture in the scrap book with the others. We ate a big lunch and shared various stories about everything.

Cool for the Summer (another potter fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora