Chapter 5

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"So let me get me right, Roy Mustang is your brother?" Ed asks as he sits across from Y/n, Al sitting behind him and Whinry sitting next to her. Y/n nods, "Yeah, you see, my biological parents are actually from Drachma, but they immigrated over to Amestris before I was born. However, once they made it to Central they were gunned down and killed, but I survived in my mama's belly, and since I was born on Amestrian soil as far as the military cares at least, I was Amestrian. So my brother's family took me in, and well, here I am." The trio gasp at her story, "That's quite a story." Whinry says, placing her hand on her cheek as she stares up at Y/n in amazement.

"Does that ever bother you? Or make you hate Amestrians?" She asks, a look of concern lacing her face, Y/n shakes her head no. "No, not really, the military was just doing their job I suppose, I do wish I had gotten to know my parents, yes but I won't ever hate Amestrians for this. Besides my big brother once told me that it doesn't matter what kind of scar you have, each one has a story, so If I did get hurt, I wouldn't be complaining." She gives Whinry a big smile and lifting a hand to give her a thumbs up. She smiles and hugs the other female, Ed smiling at the two as Al stares happily.

"Hey, Y/n." She hums at Ed's call, before pulling away from Whinry's hug, "Do you have any other family?." She nods, Ed grabs a cup of water and brings it up to his lips, "I have thirteen brothers actually." Ed does a spit take, "Roy has thirteen brothers!" Y/n chuckles at his reaction and nods. "We're all adopted but Roy and the youngest two are the only ones who are related to our mother."

"Roys the oldest, however all but two of my brothers are older than me so they all have their own lives by now," Al leans forward, "So only two are younger? Then those are the ones who are related to Roy right?" Y/n nods, "Yup, the youngest brother is 10 years old, and the oldest of the youngest is 15," Ed flinches, "Wait, he's my age?" Y/n's eyes widen at Ed's statement, "You're 15? Geeze, I thought you were my age." Ed flinches at her statement. "Shut it!"

"Wait, hold on." Whinry interrupts, "If Roy's your brother then why do you even need Ed's help to get into Central Command?" She asks, Y/n looks back at her hands. "I don't know if you've noticed but my last name isn't Mustang, cause truth be told Mom never really adopted us. She just gave us a home and put food in our bellies. So when I went to Central City they didn't let me in..." Ed frowns at her statement, "Why don't you call him them?" Whinry asks Ed shakes his head, "Can't call military lines from outside phones." Y/n nods,

"Roy himself never calls, he never wrote, never visited, he just left me and our younger brothers behind. Our grandpa continues to do what he can for us, so I respect him greatly for that." Whinry's eyes soften and she leans her head on Y/n's shoulder, placing a soft hand on her back, Y/n smiles and leans her head on Winry's. "Y/n, why do you want to see your brother so bad?" Alphonse asks, his metal head turning slightly.

"At the time of my departure, our youngest brother was really sick, and we were running low on money." Ed's eyes widen and Whinry shifts her head to look at me. "I wanted to tell him, so that he could help us with the payments," Y/n says, "I went to mother first but she's low on money and working really hard to just make it for herself now... and I tried to go to Roy but-." She takes in a shaky breath. "But I couldn't reach him..."

'Calming Anxiety' [Envy x Reader x Edward (Under Revisions)]Where stories live. Discover now