Chapter 7 - Attracted to junk.

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  • Dedicated to Jay Perry

Chapter 7 - Attracted to junk.

The spear was soaring through the air at high speed and Jay couldn’t seem to move his feet, it was as if they were glued to the floor.

His eyes grew wide as the spear got nearer. Every time he tried to move, he would just start shaking.

It was just a few ft away. All he could think to do was raise his hands and yell the only thing he could think of,

Hokvalmia.” He felt himself heat up, he saw a reflection in a silent green leaf of a burning flame, and then his stomach gave a jolt and he felt like he was going to puke.

His vision blurred and his stomach churned in discomfort. In pain. His whole insides felt as if they were being thrown around in a washing machine. Make that a monster washing machine!

A second later his chest felt empty. He swore he was going to die, but then, just before his eyes rolled behind the sockets, a tingling sensation started, and then the last thing he could remember he was falling backwards into the trees - the spring sky rolling across his view.

“Jay, are you alright?” A voice spoke to him and he opened his eyes slowly. The sight revealed a well-lit room with beds that lined the walls and a crowd of people around him.

The blinding light pained his forehead and his eyes, it was like a migraine from hell.

“Where am I?” He groaned miserably, looking from left to right at the people around him. Then one of them answered,

“You’re in the aid room,” spoke a tall girl, which, with Jay’s blurry eyes, looked like Bobby.

“Do you feel dizzy, sick, hot, cold, or just damn right confused?” Spoke a male voice from beside him.


“Well,” started another male’s voice in front of him, “you were late and we’d already started training with swords, shields and, spears.” There was a pause and then he carried on, “Someone threw a spear, and it went the wrong way. It came towards you and, well I think you were too scared to move out of the way and then you did something really awesome, which saved your life. What did it feel like?” he finished, his tone changing from embarrassment to its normal perky self.

“Lochlan, this really isn’t the time,” A girl spoke from the foot of his bed.

“Now we know he’s alright we can leave him to rest, alright everyone back to your dorms. Train hard and you might get a place on the quest. We’ll sort the people out in a week with the chooser.” This voice was definitely Amy’s, the orderly yet friendly echo it had.

Jay heard the scurrying of feet and then the squeaky wheels of a trolley.

“Food?” this voice was someone he knew, he recognised it instantly.

“What is it?”

“Strengthening food. Build you up a bit.”

It was Liam for sure. He ate his food and then fell straight back into a deep sleep.

After two nights in the aid room, Jay was back to his normal self.

He’d spent the days reflecting on his nights at the foster home and doing lots of digesting. He’d spoke to Liam a lot and he’d managed to answer Jay all of his questions and he was really nice to him, he could relate a lot with his situation, although Hollie did say that they’d all been through the same thing. That sort of comforted Jay a bit, it made his settling in a little easier.

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