Chapter 14 - The unwilling demi-god.

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Chapter 14 - The unwilling demi-god.

“Help us out here guys, leg holding weeds?” Hollie signalled one, two, three and Hollie, Jordan and Claire shouted in unison,


Suddenly, millions of weeds emerged from the ground, each grasping one of Frederick’s limbs.

“Ok, we can see you, you can see us. We need you to tell us where it is,” Hollie said, “You will die if you don’t, creatures will hunt you down and kill you.” Her tone was strict and quite evil.

The man was a peculiar sight. He seemed genuine but he had an ancient look in his eyes, a swirling mass of wisdom and knowledge.

Frederick must have dropped his sword during his flight for it was nowhere to be seen. No escape for him this time, thankfully.

“The creatures are safely locked up in Tartarus,” Frederick spoke quite deeply.

“Really, so how come those Panotii were there then? Did you not hear them, ‘We, Panotii, will discover the jewel and take over the gods, those who wrecked our lives,’” Hollie impersonated the Panotii a bit too well.

“They weren’t there? I would have known if they were there,” Frederick said.

“Typical demi-god, pretends nothing’s going on and then laughs,” Jordan muttered.

“Typical? Do you think they gave me this job of holding the whereabouts of the temple because I was your average demi-god? No, I helped the gods, and they made me immortal,” Frederick said, as if immortality was more of a punishment. “Who are you in any case? If you’re not demi-gods?”

“We’re Athena’s descendants, the prophesised twelve that will save the world,” Claire replied bitterly.

“Well, if we got a real god to tell you, would you listen?” Jay chirped up, trying to make himself useful.

“Yeah like any god would listen to you,” He tugged around in the weeds, “they didn’t even listen to me when I tried to talk to them about the creatures I’ve been see-”

“Oh, so you have seen some creatures. Look all we need is for you to tell us the location so as we can get the jewel back to the gods,” Hollie said as she clicked her gooble watch and whispered, “Karomas.”

The cars started moving again and the noise immediately swallowed whatever Frederick was trying to say.

“I didn’t hear that sorry,” Hollie said.

“I said, I am not going to tell you because it is my job not to,” Frederick said proudly.

“Ok, wait a minute will ya.” Hollie turned to the rest of the group and spoke,

Athena's descendants and the Jewel of Barthimia (Greek mythology)Where stories live. Discover now