Chapter 46 - Another challenge awaits.

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Chapter 46 - Another challenge awaits.

“To my ring-bearer, Jay Perry, I hand this gift as a sign of my pride. This shall protect you and develop you in many ways in just a beat of the chest. Use it wisely in battles, you’d be surprised what it can do.”

“Right,” Jay said aloud, confused. He untied the ribbon and opened the lid, and as he did, the box grew wider and a gift appeared. Jay leant down and picked out a bronze breastplate. He looked at it, still confused, thinking he could make this himself. Then, Amy unravelled the last scroll,

“And our final letter. To my ring bearer, Philippa Jennings, I hand this gift as a sign of my pride. Unrecognisable in ancient mythology as this is a gift I have made myself. It was woven from one grain from each grass on earth to create an amazing beast capable of travelling and hiding anywhere between our element. She is very obedient.”

Philippa was quite careful opening the box, probably because of the ‘beast’ part.

The box disintegrated and rebuilt an elegant creature that was hardly noticeable. It was camouflaged into the grass, but Jay could still make out an outline. It was like a panther with tiny ears and a long curly tail. It had claws as long as your finger that looked deadly sharp.

“I can’t see it?” Cameron complained.

As if listening to Cameron, the panther-like creature changed colour like a chameleon into a rich burgundy colour. The beast glanced at Cameron with its thin slits of eyes and returned gaze to its owner, Philippa.

Then it exploded, just like Philippa did when she changed into grass, and made small rustling around Philippa’s feet. She went down to stroke the air and the panther reappeared.

“That’s it,” Amy concluded.

Jay looked at his breastplate once more and then took a look around at all the other wonderful gifts they’d been given. A breastplate, how exciting.

“Zeus as well, that’s a bonus,” Hollie said, shocked.

“What are you going to call her?” Broudie asked Philippa, swinging his sword again.

“Something Greek,” Philippa replied.

“He’s called Apollonectris,” Liam joked, looking at his magnificently carved bow.

“Huh, really?” Bobby laughed.

“Yeah really, Apollonectris sounds Greek and it has a meaning.”

“My owner called me this, I’m ever so embarrassed,” Jay chuckled.

“It’s a good idea, most famous weapons have names. Aegis was given to Zeus’/Athena’s shield, Harpe was the sword Perseus used to slaughter medusa, Caduceus and Thyrsus were both staves of the gods Hermes and Dionysus. Well not really Dionysus but one of his followers,” Amy said.

“Why didn’t Lochlan get one, or Cameron?” Jay questioned.

“They’ve already had their gifts. Flying shoes and energy bands can be very useful,” Amy answered.

“I did tell you.” Hollie shook her head.

“Oh yeah. Anyway, let’s go test these things out,” Jay said enthusiastically.

Athena's descendants and the Jewel of Barthimia (Greek mythology)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora