Chapter 35 - The Jewel orders a flight.

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Chapter 35 - The Jewel orders a flight.

“Why yes, young ring bearers, I am,” Hecate congratulated.

“But why?” Claire pondered.

“Why did you bother going on a quest to retrieve a very powerful goddess? You mean. Well, I do ask myself that question. Because if they wanted me back on Olympus I could make my way out of this temple quickly and quietly. Then I say, well, they don’t trust me that much. But then who would trust the goddess of magic? I haven’t been that nice to them, or horrible really. To be honest, I think the quest was a great way to test you, and get me back without any monsters coming to talk to me about removing their curse,” Hecate said.

“If you could get out of here easily, then why haven’t you?” Broudie asked.

“Well I had a party with the gods once, we all got really drunk, I don’t know what Dionysus put into that stuff. Anyway, so that night was to celebrate the capturing of all the monsters. I had helped them, so I came to the party. So then I stupidly asked what would happen if a monster got out. Well that’s when Zeus said that I was going to curse them, then I agreed, and swore on the river Styx, that I would curse the monsters and lock myself away till someone retrieves me,” she puffed.

“Swore on a river with sticks?” Jay pondered.

“The river Styx in the underworld. Don’t worry, he’s the newest,” Hollie told the goddess.

“Yes I know, I was informed when you had all been found,” Hecate said.

“Well what happens now?” Jordan questioned.

“We all shall go to your little hideout. Me, Mormo, if you don’t mind, and you five. I’d love to see what it’s like. Then I shall ascend to Olympus, where I know I will be greeted with much, appreciation.” Hecate frowned at the last few words.

“How?” Broudie asked.

“We don’t have to go back through the temple do we?” Jay sobbed.

“Did you hear what Hecate said, she could easily bust out of here. All she needed was someone to come here and retrieve her,” Hollie chirped.

“No Jay, we won’t have to go through that lovely temple,” Hecate repeated.

“Lovely? Do you call fisted fireballs lovely?” Broudie asked quite rudely.

“Fisted fireballs?” Hecate questioned.

“What? Haven’t you seen the monsters in this temple?” Jordan asked.

Athena's descendants and the Jewel of Barthimia (Greek mythology)Where stories live. Discover now