Chapter 36 - The Jewel orders a flight.

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Chapter 36 - The Jewel orders a flight.

“May we ride?” Hecate questioned aloud.

The dragon snorted, two puffs of smoke exploding from its nose like a chimney.

“This way dears, our transport is ready.” Hecate walked slowly over towards the dragon, casually, walking up through the air as if there was a staircase.

“Do we follow?” Jay asked.

“Yeah,” Broudie answered.

“It’s a dragon…” Claire stated nervously.

“C’mon guys, Broudie’s right. We should go,” Hollie told.

“I’m sure we could find a safer way to get back home,” Jay muttered, following the goddess and Mormo to the fearsome monster.

As they drew nearer a powerful odour was getting stronger. It was like burnt dung, except it was sweet, and almost made the manure-like stench likeable? Weird.

“Climb aboard,” Hecate called happily, stepping onto the creatures back, between one of its terrifying spines. Mormo floated behind her.

Relacian formalios,” Broudie chanted, gliding up into the air and landing behind the ghostly child biter.

“Do hurry, he won’t wait you know,” Hecate urged.

“C’mon,” Hollie encouraged, darting into the air elegantly, and filling the space behind Broudie.

Relacian formalios,” Jay called. His feet set alight and he flew up towards the back end of the dragon. It moved its bony wing as Jay swept above it, sending a chill of cool air up his back.

He landed beautifully between the spines. Hollie was right, Hecate was strengthening their powers! He felt so much more in control, it was amazing!

“He’s getting inpatient,” Hecate warned.

Jay looked behind him to see Jordan, and finally Claire, looking very frightened.

“Let’s go.” Claire forced a smile, glancing worryingly at the dragon’s wings as it moved.

Hecate leant forward and whispered something to the dragon, who immediately fell back, shifting all its weight on to its two back feet. They were held in a near vertical position before slamming back down onto the ground and starting a run.

The wind swept past them like formula one racers. The trees also seemed to move like they had done for Hecate, making a clear runway.

Athena's descendants and the Jewel of Barthimia (Greek mythology)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें