Chapter 28 - The sirens go off.

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Chapter 28 - The sirens go off.

“So we need to work out who ‘I’ is?” Claire questioned.

“Yep, and before the sirens song reaches our ears,” Hollie added.

“So this person is obviously Greek,” Jordan said.

“And lives in the sea,” Broudie added.

“Might be a nereid or Hippocampi,” Hollie suggested.

“WRONG, WRONG!” A deep voice groaned.

“I breathe in water is saying again that this person lives in the water,” Claire continued.

“Gaea of whom I am a daughter. Who’s Gaea?” Jay asked.

“The earth goddess,” Jordan answered.

“So it’s a child of the earth goddess,” Jay concluded.

He felt completely useless, standing in a room, the riddle their only means of escaping. He had no clue what the riddle was on about, he was new to all this stuff. He shouldn’t even be on this quest, Amy should’ve taken his place, she has more experience. Jay shuffled on the spot uneasily, as the other continued to try and take apart the lines of the riddle.

“Yeah, like the hydra,” Hollie told.

“WRONG.” the deep voice rattled the whole room as it spoke.

“Stop guessing and naming who it could be, we might only have a few chances to guess it!” Broudie shouted at Hollie.

“Ok so the next line reads, come near me or my friend your life won’t be spared,” Jordan read out the cryptic writing, which looked like a load of scribbles to Jay.

But, although he couldn’t read it from a distant, as he peered closer the writing seemed to make sense.

He could read Greek writing! Jay smiled a bit but then shook himself back to earth with a quick glance at the situation he was in now.

“So this person has a partner, and they both are evil ones,” Hollie thought.

“They must be monsters,” Claire stated. The harmonic tunes of the sirens were slowly getting less faint by this stage. It only really sounded like a continuous note harmony.

“For we have devoured the ones who have dared. So they eat them?” Broudie pondered.

“Were looking for a child of Gaea, who lives in the sea and has a partner who devours people just like itself,” Jay pieced together, trying to be useful.

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