Chapter 24 - The duel-headed snake.

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Chapter 24 - The duel-headed snake.

“Amphisbaena,” Hollie called.

“You’s knows my namesss,” the one head spoke in a deep romantic tone with a sort of Italian or Spanish accent.

Baffoliam.” Claire shot a capturing spell at the monster.

“No!” The creature dodged the spell with its long tangling body. “Why aress you being ssso, mean to a nice sssnake.”

“Nice? You’re after the jewel aren’t you?” Broudie panicked.

“A matter of fact, yesss.”

“Well we’re not going to tell you, so unless you want to travel back down to Tartarus, then I suggest you move out of the way,” Hollie told.

“I’m afraidsss you, are going to Tartarusss.” The two snake heads rose upwards and showed their fangs, hissing with their red fork tongues.

“Split up!” Hollie instructed leaping from a strike of the razor fangs. Jay flung himself to the side behind some trees.

Hortalia.” He heard someone shout the stunning spell. Constant hissing was the only thing that told Jay the snake was still alive. He should do something, use a spell.

Citarlium.” He shot from behind his tree and shot a punch spell at the snake monster. The snake ducked his spell, which hit someone else’s and created a cloud of orange that fogged up the view of the snake.

He grasped at the rigid tree trunk that he hid behind, and peered around the side.

His neck tightened. His muscles ceased…


His head snapped to his left as he saw the snake scratching Jordan’s face. Clawing aggressively from up in one of the branches.

Jay jumped to attention and sprinted across a nettle field, reaching Jordan to find nothing. All that was left was three piercing scratches on Jordan’s pale, innocent face.

He looked above him, the trees were calm and still.

“Jay help!” He looked in front and saw Hollie with the snake wrapped round her neck, its feet kicking and scratching at her face and its scaly body entwined around her.

Degradium,” he yelled.

Fire erupted from his hands and plummeted towards Hollie. A ball of fury darting straight for them.

Athena's descendants and the Jewel of Barthimia (Greek mythology)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon