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The twelve ring bearers:

Jay Perry

Ring of Hephaestus-fire and the forges

Hollie Williamson

Ring of Poseidon-the sea and earthquakes

Jordan Quelch

Ring of Zeus-the sky and lightning

Broudie Morris

Ring of Ares-war

Claire Hamer

Ring of Aphrodite-beauty and love

Amy Robinson

Ring of Athena-wisdom and battle strategy

Alice Challinor

Ring of Hera-family and marriage

Lochlan Louch

Ring of Dionysus-grapes, wine and madness

Philippa Jennings

Ring of Demeter-the harvest

Bobby Jo Joyce

Ring of Artemis-the hunt, archery

Liam Morris

Ring of Apollo-poetry, prophecies, music, archery, disease

Cameron Evans

Ring of Hermes-messages, thieves, crime, travellers

Athena's descendants and the Jewel of Barthimia (Greek mythology)Where stories live. Discover now