Chapter Four

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Here's chapter four people


"What are they like?"


"Your family? What are they like?"

Ichigo rubbed the back of his head.

"My dad is something else. My little sisters Karin and Yuzu they're special."

"That's not really the type of information I was hoping for. What about your mother?"

He looked away.

"She died when I little. A Hollow killed her. She saved me."

"I'm sorry I asked."

"It's not your fault. You didn't know."

"What about your parents, Sakura?"

"My parents?"

"Yeah, what are they like?"

"I have no idea. I'm an orphan, so are Haru, Katashi and Kenta. I'm basically their parents and older sister."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You didn't know."

He sighed.

"You care about them. Haru, Katashi and Kenta."

"Yea. I was 10 when Katashi and Kenta came into the orphanage. They were 8 years old. Twins in fact, their 13 years old."

"And Haru?"

"He was actually a newborn when he came. I was 13 years old taking care of him, changing him, feeding him. I raised him. He even calls me his mother."

I smiled a bit.

"Seeing him like that must be hard on you."

"You have no idea."

I chuckled.


"It's funny. Today was my first day in school in my life and the building gets destroyed by a Hollow."

"You never been to school? Ever?"

He asked looking down at me. I shook my head.

"Nope. We usually stayed inside the orphanage. I was kicked out a year ago because I was the eldest of all the other kids and hadn't gotten adopted yet."

"Why did they kick you out? Where did you sleep?"

"Mostly parks, alley ways or behind trees."

"What did you do for food and money?"

"I beg for those thing. I was pretty good at drawing so that's how I made my money. Seeing spirits have it's advantages."

We finally made it to his house.

"Kurosaki Clinic? You live here?"

"Yeah, my dads a doctor and my sisters help him out."

I nodded. He unlocked the door walking inside, I followed him closing the door.

"I'm home, and I brought someone with me."

"Huh? Welcome home Ichigo!"

I saw a girl with short hair in the kitchen.

"That's my sister Yuzu. Yuzu this is Sakura. She started school today."

"Hello, Sakura."

"Hello, Yuzu."

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