Chapter Nineteen

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"They should be coming now." Shunsui said as he tipped his hat up as he, Jūshirō and Soi-Fon stood in front of the senkaimon waiting for the others who went for Sakura.

"I wonder how she is? She was injured badly by that Hollow." Jūshirō said.

"That and she's been in a gigai for a long time. It'll take some time for her to get her full powers back."

"Are you doubting lady Sakura?" Soi-Fon asked as she narrowed her eyes at the two men standing next to her.

"N-no, not at all!" They both said nervously at the captain of squad 2. They turned facing the senkaimon when they felt a spiritual pressure coming though. They saw Byakuya holding a sleeping Sakura in his arms.

'Well, it has been awhile since she's been out of her gigai.' Shunsui thought.

"How did it go?" Jūshirō asked.

"Sakura will be staying at the Kuchiki Manor with Byakuya and I. Yoruichi orders." Rukia said. The two captains nodded accteping it but Soi-Fon didn't look pleased. After all, both Yoruichi and Sakura thought of her as a sister, plus giving the fact that Soi-Fon haven't seen the pinkette in little over a 100 years; give or take a few years.

"Take her to squad 4 to see to her, captain Kuchiki." With that being said the nobleman flashed-stepped to squad 4 barracks leaving the rest to themselves.

"Still the same as always when it comes to Saku, doesn't he, Jūshirō." Shunsui looked at his white haired friend who nodded with a smile as Soi-Fon frowned before leaving.

"Soi-Fon, wait!" Jūshirō yelled after squad 2 captain.

"Leave her be, Jūshirō. She's going after Sakura and Byakuya."

"How does my brother know Sakura, Captain?" Rukia asked looking at her captain. Shunsui and Jūshirō looked at each other. The suspense made the others want to know as well.

"Yeah, we've been wanting to know that as well! It didn't come to her as a shock when we told her about us being Soul Reapers!" Renji yelled.

"Well, it's a interesting story really but the most important part of their relationship started when they were younger." Jūshirō said with a chuckle remembering how they both acted when they were both children playing around at the Kuchiki Manor.

"Then how did it start in the first place?" Rangiku asked wanting to know about the pinkette and the captain of squad 6.

"Well to put it in simple terms, they were both were engaged to be married." Shunsui said with a smile.

"What?!" They all yelled.

"Yeah, but Sakura didn't even know about the marriage. It was an arrange marriage for both of them really, Byakuya didn't like the idea at all so he tried everything to get Sakura and the elders of the Kuchiki house to rethink their motives."

"Of course our little Sakura didn't know about it. She was just a simple kid who wanted to have fun."

"Now let's head back home, shall we." Jūshirō said with a smile.


"She'll be fine, captain. She'll wake up later on tonight or tomorrow morning. She has to stay over night until she wakes up then you can take her home, captain Kuchiki." Isane said as she looked at the Kuchiki nobleman as he sat beside the bed that had the pink haired Shihōin as she slept.

"Thank you, I'll be leaving in a few minutes, lieutenant." He said looking Insane before looking back at Sakura. Isane bowed before walking out into the hall. She saw Soi-Fon walk to to her.

"How is she doing? The patient that captain Kuchiki brought in, lieutenant?"

"She'll be fine. She'll be staying until she wakes up then captain Kuchiki will take her home, captain Soi-Fon."

"I see, thank you lieutenant."

"Your welcome, captain." Isane bowed before leaving the captain to herself.

'Wonder who she is to make to captains worry over her. Oh, captain Unohara if only you were here with us.' Isane thought with a sigh as she went back to work.


Byakuya had left squad 4 barracks an hour ago to return to squad 6 to get started on the paperwork that was sure to have piled up while he was gone. When he stood in front of his office door he sighed feeling the two familiar spirtual pressures coming from inside. Opening the door to see his lieutenant and sister working on the paperwork.

"B-brother! Your back!" Rukia said looking up at her brother as did Renji.

"What are you doing here Rukia? Shouldn't you be at squad 13 barracks?" Byakuya asked sitting down at his desk as he started working on a pile of paperwork.

"Captain Ukitake said I can to take sometime off and that Kiyone and Sentarō can take care of the workload while I'm away."

"Rukia." Byakuya said looking at his little sister who smiled nervously making Renji roll his eyes.

"She refused at first but captain Ukitake said it was an order, so, Rukia couldn't refuse, captain."

"I see." Byakuya knew it had something to do with Sakura coming back to the Seireitei.


Byakuya looked up at Rukia who looked nervous. Byakuya waited for her to continue.

"I-is it true that you and Sakura were engaged to be married?"

"Ukitake told you this." Rukia nodded.

"Captain Kyōraku as well." Renji said.

The nobleman closed his eyes. It shouldn't be a surprise to him, he knew it would be a matter of time for them to find out but not this quickly.

"It's true. Sakura and I were engaged at one point in our lives, to strengthen our ties between the noble houses of Kuchiki and Shihōin. That was a long time ago. Why do you want know, Rukia?"

"I-uh- Renji wanted to know too, Byakuya!" She yelled pointing at the redhead.

"Hey! Don't bring me into this, midget!" Renji yelled pushing the papers aside.

"What'd you call me!?" Rukia yelled as she glared at Renji who had a smug smirk.

"You heard me! I called you a midget!"

Byakuya sighed closing his eyes. Seems he can't catch a brake when both his sister and lieutenant start to argue like this.

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