Chapter Eight

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Alright so I got bored again and here I am posting another chapter.
Hope you enjoy!


Third POV

They finally got to their destination. Ichigo held open the door her Sakura who smiled at him walking inside the warm house.

"I'm home and I brought Sakura."

Ichigo said closing and locking the door. Taking off their jackets they looked around seeing no one.

"That's strange. They were here when I left."

He said rubbing the back of his head with a confused look.

"They left a note, Ichigo."

Sakura said coming out the kitchen handing the note to the orange haired teen. He read it and sighed.

"Seems they went out of town without me. They won't be back for a couple of days and my dad left a lot of money."

"So we got the house to ourselves?"

Ichigo blushed making Sakura snicker.

"What's so funny?"

"You've never been with a girl alone before, have you?"

He looked away with a scowl.

"You really are innocent, Ichigo."

Said teen looked at her confused.

"Sexually wise."

His whole face went red. Sakura laughed.


"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't pass this up. It's fun teasing you, Ichigo."

"Now I got you, Yoruichi and Rangiku on my back when it comes to teasing me."

"Oh don't be like that, Ichigo."

He sighed walking towards her. He patted her head making her pout.

"Coming on, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."

She nodded her head following him upstairs to the Karin's and Yuzu's room. Putting her bag on the floor she looked at Ichigo who leaned against the door frame.

"You hungry?"

"Yeah, a bit."

"Great! I'll make something."

She said walking passed him.


Sakura looked down seeing she stepped on a stuffed toy lion. Bending down she picked it up.

"Hey, Ichigo. Who's stuffed toy is this?"

"Hm? That's Kon. He belongs to Yuzu."

Sakura looked at the stuffed toy to see it was blushing.

"Ah! I can't take it anymore!"

The stuffed named Kon started talking.

"My beautiful heaven!"

Kon reached his tiny arms out for Sakura. Ichigo grabbed the stuffed toy from her as he started yelling at it.

"Hey! Kon leave Sakura alone!"

"Sakura, huh? My cherry blossom! Make him stop!"

"She's not going to help a pervert like you!"

"Like your one to talk Ichigo. I bet you haven't even told Sakura here that you say he-"

"Shut up!"

Ichigo stepped on the plushie with a red face.

"Say what exactly?"

"N-nothing! Really!"

"He's lying! He says your name when his asleep-ow!"

"Shut it, Kon!"

Ichigo threw Kon into his sisters room stunting the door. He walked past Sakura.

"Dreaming about me, are we?"

Sakura asked with a teasing smile. Ichigo ignored her walking down stairs.

"Shut up."

She smiled following him down the stairs going straight to the kitchen as Ichigo sat on the sofa watching TV. Half an hour later Sakura was done making dinner and by that time Kon finally got out the room.

"Hey, Ichigo! I can't believe you left me in your sisters room! I could smell the food from up there and I'm starved!"

"Hm? You finally got out the room, Kon?"

Ichigo questioned looking down at the lion with a bored look.

"How could you not care?!"


The stuffed toy anime cried.

"That's enough you two. Dinner is done."

"Yes! I'm starving!"

Kon ran to the table with Ichigo behind him. They saw Sakura already sitting at the table.

"Thank you for the food!"

Kon sat on the table taking a bite of a rice ball.

"This is wonderful!"

He said before eating more. Ichigo sat down.

"Thank you for the food."

He ate the rice ball.

"This is good. Where did you learn to cook, Saku?"

"Thanks you two. I was actually learned when I was 9 years old. Being the oldest in an orphanage comes responsibility. I had to learn how to cook, clean, everyday chores. I hardly had a day off even when I was sick, I still got up and did everything."

"It must have been hard on you when you were young, huh."

Kon asked. Sakura shook her head.

"Not really. It helped me be able to be disciplined. I did take care of about ten other kids my age or younger. I was the only girl in there who didn't take crap from anyone."


"Yup. I had to make sure the others didn't kill each other. Even the guys knew better to get me mad. They own me for cooking for them or else they starve."

They continued to talk and eat when done Sakura washed the dishes.

"Ichigo, I'm going to take a shower!"

Sakura yelled from upstairs.


Ichigo yelled back.

"Not going to sneak a peek, Ichigo?"

"Shut up!"


Sorry it's so short!
Don't kill me!

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