Chapter Twenty Six

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Third POV

It's been two months since Ichigo and Sakura have been going out. The day after Christmas the Soul Reapers returned back to the Seireitei while leaving Sakura in the world in the living, but only for three days before she has to return back. During the two days Ichigo had taken both Sakura and Haru out for lunch. When morning came on the third day it was time for the pinkette to leave. Sakura hated leaving Haru again but she had to go back and work. Ichigo was there saying his goodbyes to his pink haird shorty and said he'll take her anywhere she wants when she comes back to the world of the living. Of course, that was only two months ago.

In the Soul Society

'Ugh! Why doesn't Kenpachi do his work!?' Sakura thought as she just finished a huge pile of paperwork that her captain Kenpachi Zaraki had left behind to find someone else to fight and lieutenant Yachiru went with him. Sakura stood up from the desk stretching getting a few pops here and there. She made her way to the door sliding it open.

"I need three of you maggots in here now!" Sakura yelled and in no time three 11 squad memebers stood in front of her.

Oh, they knew very well how the new 4th seat got when no one listened to her when she calls the first time. When Sakura had came back three days after Christmas she was put to work, which she didn't mind at all. It had been Yumichika and Ikkaku to show her around the squad 11 barracks. It was time for her to meet the rest of the members of the squad, of course, you can imagine the men of the squad not liking a woman being there. Sakura was after all the only female there other then their lieutenant.

Being Sakura she didn't take it sitting back. She got down and dirty. She had beaten 70 of their men without using her Zanpakutō let alone using her hands. After that day all 200 men that were members of the squad knew never to underestimate the pinkette ever again and only god knew what she was capable of doing.

"Take those papers to squad 1." They nodded takening the paperwork from the desk and out the door. Sakura sighed laying on the couch the was in the captains office.

'So tired, so sleepy. Why did I come back again?' Sakura asked in her head as she closed her eyes.

"Fourth seat Sakura!"

"Not.. Now..." She groaned out sitting up seeing a man standing by the door panting. Sakura remembered Yachiru calling him Maki Maki.

"What is it?"

"Th-there's new recruits here! Their waiting for captain Zaraki and lieutenant Kusajishi in front of the barracks!"

"Eh? I didn't find any paperwork about getting new recruits."

"They said they graduated early..."

"I see, make sure they don't cause any trouble until I get there."

"Yes sir!" He slid the door closed before running down the hall. Sakura stood up and looked at what she was wearing. A black, backless undershirt but wore her black Kosode over it while she has on back stretch pants but cut the one she's wearing a little above mid-thigh making short shorts to relax in when inside the barracks.

"Ah, screw it." Sakura walked out the office not caring what she was wearing as she placed her Zanpakutō against her left hip in her hakama-himo as she walked down the hall. She walked outside with her white tabi and waraji.

"So, when is this fourth seat coming?"  A voice said.

"Didn't we tell ya brats to wait?!" A squad 11 member yelled.

"I wonder if this person is strong?" A second voice asked in wonder.

"Of course the person is strong, idiot. This person is the fourth seat." A girls voice said. Sakura raised an eyebrow. She slid open the door showing three newcomers along with the squad 11 members surrounding them.

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