Chapter Twenty Eight

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A week. That's how long Sakura stayed in the hospital beside Haru. A week watching her little Haru go through this situation once again. A week full of laughter and smiles as if everything was alright. A week before Haru had died peacefully in his sleep as he laid in Sakura's warm embrace. Everyone took the lose bad but not as bad as Sakura.

It was Sakura who had laid with Haru in her arms with him still breathing. Ichigo, Uyrū, The twins along with Yoruichi and Kisuke was in the room sleeping not knowing Haru had passed away in the middle of the night. It was Sakura who had woken up first to find out that Haru was no longer breathing. Her cries had woken up everyone in the room, along with the others that had stayed in the lobby.

It had pained everyone to see Sakura crying on the hospital bed, holding Haru's lifeless body in her arms as she rocked back and forth as she cried Haru's name, begging him to come back to her. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. The Sakura who always had a smile on her face, always laughing and playing around was now crying endless tears as her held onto her own sons lifeless body for dear life.

It took both Ichigo and Uyrū to finally pray Haru from her as the nurses took the body of Haru away from the room. Sakura cried and cried for them to bring him back to her. Ichigo held her close to him keeping her from running after the nurses. Sakura was so emotional she couldn't breath right after crying so much, so, Uyrū took it upon himself and knocked her out. Yoruichi hadn't seen her beloved baby sister in so much distress that Sakura had to be knocked out to calm her rapid breathing. Yoruichi had cried into Kisuke's shoulder who hugged her and whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

Byakuya had left the hospital after witnessing his childhood friend crying for the first time, and hopefully the last, but Byakuya knew he was asking for so much. Almost everyone had lost someone presious to them, Sakura had gone through that because it was time for Haru to pass on.

Two weeks after Haru had died and put to rest Sakura had stayed in the would of the living in Kisuke's home. Sakura was never the same after Haru died. She didn't eat, even if she ate she couldn't hold it down. She didn't sleep, not without screaming out Haru's name. Even if she slept, Sakura would pass out from exhaustion after training for a couple of days straight without rest. Her health was bad, at some points in the whole two weeks Sakura would be to weak to even get out of bed.

Through this whole situation Ichigo was with her every step of the way. Of course he got annoyed with her not listening to him, Yoruichi and Kisuke he would even go so far as to fight against her a few times and talk some sense into her. He would even bring Haru's name up making Sakura eyes light up a bit before turning back to empty gold eyes, like they always were since Haru had died.

Even Renji and the other would show up from time to time to see how Sakura was doing only to find out she was still nonreponsive to them. Renji being the blunt and straight forward guy he is known for had fought against her and beaten some kind of sence back into her but that fell on deaf ears. He saw the look in her eyes. She had nothing left to live for. Haru was all she cared for. She raised the boy when she was just a child herself. Renji knew he was only a kid compared to Sakura who was older then himself and a few others. In the middle of their fight Sakura had passed out and was falling mid-air, to which Renji caught her before she feel to the ground.

Sakura didn't wake up for three days, making Yoruichi and the others worried. Rukia had beaten Renji up for pushing Sakura so hard in their fight. Although she couldn't blame Renji for doing it, she too wanted to beat Sakura senseless for pushing herself far pass her limits, exsauting and starving herself. Haru won't want to see his mother like this.

During the time Sakura was unconscious she was in an endless sea of darkness. She was flouting in the dark void just wishing her could see her son just one last time. Which she did. Haru had appeard in front of her with a frown and arms crossed. Sakura cried as she was able to hug her son once more. Haru scolded his mother which made Sakura smile and laugh. Oh, how she loved and missed him scolding her as if she was a child. She finally came to her sences with the help of Haru and her friends.

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