Chapter Seven

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Welcome back people!
Here's another chapter for you all!


Ichigo's POV

It's been two months since we first met Sakura. We all graduated from high school; Sakura, Haru, and the twins Kenta and Katashi were still living in the hospital. Haru has been doing good since Orihime healed him but I know Sakura didn't want to lose her son yet. Rukia and I desided to visit them at the hospital to find that Haru and the twins are sick.

"Ichigo, Rukia, what's up?"

"We just came here to see how everyone was doing."

I said.

"I'm doing fine it's just these three boys. They got the flu. They'll be find in a week or two."

She said covered her mouth yawning.

"Seems you could use a day off."

Rukia said.

"Those bags under your eyes tell me you've been up for a while."

Sakura pouted rubbing her eyes.

'Cute.. What was that?'

"Hey, you two."

We looked at Kenta.

"What is it?"

"Take her out of here. It's been three months since we've moved in this place. Get her out of the hospital for a couple days."

"You can't just ma-"

"Sakura, I know you don't want to leave them alone but how about a deal?"

"...what kind of deal?"

Sakura asked raising an eyebrow at Rukia.

"I'll stay here for two days while you go to Ichigo's place and sleep over there."

"Hey, Rukia! You can't jus-"

I shut my mouth when she glared at me.

"Well... It's better then asking Kisuke. Is that alright you, Ichigo?

"Y-yeah, I just have to see what my dad thinks but other than that, it's fine by me."

"I don't know..."

"Just go already, sis. We all know you look like hell."

"Even when your sick you still got that damn mouth on ya."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just go already. I'll let Haru and Katashi know where you went."

She sighed running her hand threw her hair.

"Alright, I'll go."

"Great! I brought some clothes with me just in case you agreed to this."

Rukia set her backpack on the desk.

"You planned this?"

"Of course I did. What kind of Soul Reaper doesn't have a plan other then Ichigo here."

"Yea- hey!"

"Alright. You can sleep on the air mattress that the twins use."

"Air mattress? What is that?"

She looked at me.

"This is going to take a while."

"I know how this goes. She'll ask questions just make it simple so she can understand."

She nodded. I sat next to Kenta as we watched Sakura show Rukia the air mattress. It took a little over an hour for Sakura and I to get out the hospital. She had a bag of clothes with her. She was dressed in a pair of black sweats, a red baggy t-shirt, black Vans and a oversized black jacket. She had her hair in a bun that was covered by the hood of the jacket.

"You can tell me if you don't want me to come over, you know."

I looked down at her.

"Your not bothering anybody if you come over, Saku. Yuzu and Karin have been asking about you since you first came over."

"Do they all still think I'm your girlfriend or girlfriend materiel for you?"

I blushed looking away trying to hide it.

"... Yes.."

"That's cute. They're picking on you, Ichigo."


I grumbled shoving my hands into my jackets pockets making her laugh wrapping her arms threw my right arm. My cheeks grew hot when she leaned her head on my arm making her... Uh hm, chest press up against my arm.

"Your sweet, Ichigo. Thank you for doing this for me."

"I-it's no problem at all."

We continued walking down the snow covered street towards my house all I could think about is how it felt right being here with Sakura next to me.

'It's probably because it's winter.'


There goes another chapter.
Might upload another one later on if I'm bored, we'll see until then.
See ya next time.

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