Chapter Thirteen

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I'm back people! Here's chapter 13! Hope you enjoy it!

(bold italic will be for Sakura later on in the chapter.)


Third POV

It's been two in a half weeks since Sakura has been staying at the Kurosaki house, two days passed when the rest of the Kurosaki family returned home and found out that Sakura would marry Ichigo. It was currently passed midnight when Sakura suddenly stood up, putting on her black bobs and a hoody before walking out the house.

At The Hospital

At the hospital Rukia and Renji sat by the window in their gigais as they watched over Kenta, Katashi and Haru who have gotten better.

"So Sakura is really Yoruichi's younger sister? I can kinda see it with their hair but their eyes are different."

Rukia said as she looked outside.

"Yoruichi said Sakura's eyes are the same color as hers. I guessed she changed it."

Renji said as he looked down at his friend. They snapped their heads to the beds seeing the three boys get out of their beds putting on shoes and jackets.

"Where do you three think you are going?"

Renji said standing up with his arms crossed. The three kids didn't pay attention to him as they walked to the door. Rukia stood in front of the door.

"Hold on! You aren't going anywhere until you tell us wher-."

Rukia stopped seeing the dazed look on their faces and hollow look in their eyes. She stepped away from the door letting them walk out the room.

"Rukia?! Why'd you let them out!?"

"Renji? Call captain Hitsugaya and have him and the others go check on Sakura."

"What? Why?"

"Something isn't right. When I looked at them they looked to be hypnotized. They don't know what's going on. Something controlling them."

She said putting on her jacket as both her and Renji ran out the door.

With Captain Hitsugaya

"What do you mean by hypnotized, lieutenant?"

"Just like it sounds, captain. It only effects them and no one else. Even the nurses were in a daze when we followed the boys outside the hospital."

"It must be the Hollow that's controlling them. Keep following them. Report back to me when something comes up."

"Yes, captain."

Tōshirō Hitsugaya sighed putting the phone away.

"What's wrong captain?"

Rangiku asked. She could tell that something was bothering her captain.

"The Hollow that we've been looking for has finally made it's move. The three boys are being hypnotized."

"And Sakura?"

"We have to check on her. Call the others for back up."

"Yes, sir."

She took out her phone and called the others as they both flashed stepped to the Kurosaki household. Once there they saw Kon waving at them. Opening the window the stuffed lion started panicking.

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