Chapter Fourteen

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Here's another chapter for you guys!

(Bold italic will still be for Sakura until after the battle.)


"Bankai... Idaina Akuma Ōkami."

Unsheathing her Zanpakutō a light covered her sheath changing it to a sword.

"Lets have some fun."

Sakura smirked raising both her swords up.

"Bloody strike."

She swung her swords down as blood come from the blades slicing straight down both of the Hollows arms rendering them useless. Placing the blade in her right hand resting it against her shoulder as her blade in the left hand was sticking up from the ground resting her palm on the hilt.

"Come on. Your weak like the other Hollows I've seen my sister fight against. At least put up a descent fight, you old hag!"

"You little brat!"

The swords started rattling making Sakura sigh.

"Your not even worth it. Bloody strike."

Bringing up the sword from her shoulders bringing it straight down; again blood came from the weapon running straight down the Hollow. It was over. Sakura's second sword turned back into a sheath putting her Zanpakutō back into the sheath. Again her eyes started changing colors; holding her head as she swayed a bit before falling to her knees, Byakuya got to her first leaning her against him. He looked worried about the pink haired girl.

"I brought Orihime liked you asked captain."

Rangiku placed Orihime on her feet. The girls eyes landed on the pinkette her eyes widen when she saw the blood when she changed back to her original form.

"I'm here! Lay her down."

Byakuya carefully laid Sakura down on the snow covered ground.

"Sōten Kisshun; Ayame, Shun'ō"

The two fairies showed up and started their healing process on Sakura.

"Sakura? Everything is going to be fine now."

Orihime said. This made the pinkette open her eyes showing off the bi-colored eyes. The left blue, the right gold.

"Heh, don't worry about it, Hime. All I need is rest and food and I'll be good as new in a few days time."

Sakura gave a tired smile to her friend who returned the smile with her own. After a few more minutes Orihime was done healing her friend who fell asleep during the healing process.

"She'll be fine now."

Orihime said standing up as Byakuya took it upon himself and carried Sakura in his arms as she laid her head on his chest. Of course everyone was surprised except a few people.

"We'll be going to Kisuke's place for the time being."

Yoruichi said.

"Then Rukia and I will be taking the boys back to the hospital."

With that being said Rukia pulled out a memory chikan and erased Haru's memory before going to the twins.

"That won't be needed for those two, Rukia. They belong to squad 2 when I was captain. I sent them here to watch over Sakura but is seems they forgot about that small detail."

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