Chapter Ten

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Another chapter of The Third Shihōin.
Hope you like it people!


Sakura's POV

It's been two days since I've gotten sick while Ichigo has been taking care of me since he hasn't gotten sick. Yet. Durning the past two days I've been sleeping on the couch while Ichigo sleeps on the floor. Even Rangiku and Yumichika who are watching us because of a Hollow that has shown up. The both of them including Tōshirō and the others showed up with two new people.

"So you both work along side the idiot man with the eyepatch?"

"You mean captain Zaraki?"

"Yeah, him."

"Why call the captain an idiot, woman? I should cut you down a size!"

Ikkaku growled.

"I like to see you try, badly!

"B-baldy?! That's it! Let me at her!"

Yumichika held the angry guy back from attacking me, I got up about go and do the same thing but Ichigo held me back.

"Ikkaku, you can't hit a woman."

"I don't see a woman! All I see is a brat!"

"I could say the same thing about you, chrome dome!"

"Why I outta-"

"Enough! This is ridiculous!"

"Sorry captain."

I rolled my eyes sitting back down on the couch as both Ikkaku and I glared at each other.

"Either way you have to deal with her when she passes on. Kyōraku has already said she'll be on squad 11 as the new fourth seat."

Tōshirō said.

"What? She has to go threw the academy first. How can she be promised a seat on the squad when she's just a human?"

"How did you get on a squad in the first place, bald man? By blinding your opponents with your head?"


"Yes, Shirō?"

I looked at the him as he stood not to far from the couch. I could tell he was annoyed with me.

"Be quite."

I raised an eyebrow.

"When you get taller then me than maybe I'll listen to you, okay, Shirō."

Rangiku covered her mouth with both hands hiding her smile and holding back a laugh; the others looked shocked. I smirked at the shorty as his eye twitched.


He growled out.


"Your annoying."

I smiled.

"Then I'm doing something right, shorty."

Rangiku laughed holding back her captain.

"Captain, you can't hit a sick woman, can you?"

"That or he'll answer to me."

We turned our head to the door seeing Kisuke and my favorite black cat Yoruichi.


Said black cat ran over and jumped on the couch rubbing her head against my cheek as she purred.

"Not even a hello for me, my cherry blossom?"

"Hey, pervert."

I said giving Kisuke a bored look making the man pout.

"What the hell!? I locked that door!"

"It wasn't that hard to open it, Ichigo."

Yoruichi said jumping onto my lap.

"This Hollow that showed up why aren't you all looking for it? Why watch over the boys and I?"

"How did you know?"

Shūhei looked at me.

"Just because you, Renji and Rukia are watching my boys doesn't mean you can stop them from calling me, you know. They also told me the Hollow first showed up was at the orphanage we used to live at and that it burned down."

They didn't say anything.

"That Hollow is coming after us, isn't it?"

"We don't know that for sure as of right now."

"I should be with the boys right now."

I said getting up from the couch only to be pushed back down.

"Oh, no you don't! Your staying right there and you are not moving from that spot!"

Rangiku said crossing her arms.

"Stubborn woman, instead of having you and pretty boy here watching me I rather be at the hospital with my boys knowing they're safe. So, either I go right now with someone or I'll just leave on my own."

"You really are so stubborn, Saku."

Yoruichi said from on top of my head.

"I'll take her. I'm going back over there anyways."

Renji said rubbing the back of his head.

"Might as well let the pinky do what she wants, captain. She'll do what she says."

Kisuke said.

"Who you calling pinky you damn pervert!? I should cut off your tongue and shove it up your- Hm! Mhp!"

Renji and Ichigo covered my mouth before I could finish my sentence.

"My, my, don't you have a mouth on ya?"

He said covering his bottom half of his face with his fan, I could just see it in his eyes he was enjoying this. I moved the guys hands from my mouth and flip him off.

"Bite me, jackass!"

"I've been waiting for you to say that since you started working for me, Saku!"



Both Yoruichi and Ichigo yelled. Ichigo wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me against him as he glared at the perverted blonde. I blushed.

"Ohh~! Someone's blushing!"


Ichigo and I moved away from each other with a blush.


I looked at Yoruichi who was on my shoulder now.


"It's time for you to go back to sleep."


She placed her paw on my forehead and my vision started to get blurry.

"D-damn cat..."

I couldn't stand on my feet any longer, I fell, but strong arms caught me before I could hit the floor. I saw orange hair before everything went black.


Hope you all like the chapter.

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