11. First confidences

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Mitch silently grabbed his phone in his pocket with slow moves. He began to write a text while answering softly:

- I'm here Brandon. Take you time. I'm listening.

- I don't know how to tell you. There's so much, it's so confused.

- Do you want me to ask you some questions, and you answer if and how you like? I promise I won't try to make you tell more than you want.

Brandon sighed deeply, and nodded once. Mitch slid his phone back in his pocket. He began, in a very soft tone:

- When did you figure out you were gay?


I think he's about to talk to me. Please don't come back for now. Dinner will wait. I love you ♥

Avi stared at his phone for a few seconds, and set it on the kitchen table.

- We're gonna be only the three of us for dinner tonight. Brandon needs time with Mitch.

The two siblings gazed at him.

- Finally! I hope Daddy will be able to make him talk! He's been weird all summer, if not for a longer time...

Avi gazed back at his daughter thoughtfully.

- You didn't tell us anything about it, did you?

- There was nothing to say, Dad. I just felt he was... uncomfortable sometimes? For no reason I could guess. And he didn't tell me anything, never. Not even a hint.

- How did you know about that place?

Keira told again the story she had told David in the morning.

- It wasn't a big deal after all, she tried to apologize.

- You did well, Keira. You couldn't betray him. And it probably saved him from more damage today. He didn't renounce to his secret place, and you knew where to find him. He called you.

Avi wrapped his daughter in a warm hug, looking at his elder son over her shoulder.

- Thank you, both of you. You've been really helpful today, and very strong. I'm proud of you.


- Hello Mrs Lynch. I wanted to give you, and Elijah, some news of Brandon. I'm sorry to be so late...

- ...

- Well, he's fine now, but it's been a hard time. He sprained his knee, and he cut his leg on some rocks, but nothing more, thanks God. He was alone near a river when it happened. We don't know more for now. We just came back from hospital. Mitch is trying to talk to him.

- ...

- He didn't ask for him yet, I'm sorry. But I'm sure he'll be happy to see him tomorrow. We'll let you know when, I promise.

- ...

- Thank you. I'm sorry we bothered you with all this.Tell Elijah not to worry too much, Brandon will be fine.

- ...

- Well, he's very tired for now, and... it seems he broke his phone anyway. We'll have to replace it I guess. Thanks again, see you soon!

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