14. Back to School

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Here is Elijah.


At the end of the summer break, Brandon's leg was much better. His wound didn't need cares anymore, and he was able to walk without crutches, only a splint.

Elijah had come to see Brandon almost every day. And Brandon had managed to keep him away from his bedroom. They had played games or watched movies in the living room. Played or listened to music in the home studio. Went outside for slow walks in the neighborhood "to help Brandon recover faster." And Brandon had even convinced once his elder brother to take them to town to hang out.

The last day though, he hadn't been able to escape any longer. After a video game session, Elijah had asked him to show him his new backpack, as he had brought his own to show him. Brandon couldn't refuse. They headed to his bedroom. He managed to make Elijah get in first, and let the door wide opened. If Elijah noticed it, he didn't say a word. He seemed happy to be there, finally. He didn't want to push through. After half an hour, it was time for him to go. He had left with a bright smile, waving at Brandon while going away.

Mitch and Avi had been silently watching him day afterday, trying to guess how he felt inside, ready to talk if Brandon had given a single little hint that he would like to. But he hadn't. He was rather calm. Neither sad, nor happy. Quiet, as often as he could be with his family and his best friend around.

- When I look at him and how he's acting, I can't help but remember how I was, the year I created a fake you in my mind...Mitch had whispered sadly, one night, lying in bed in Avi's arms.

Avi hadn't answered. He had simply tightened his embrace and sighed deeply.


Now, it was time to go back to school. That morning, Keira and Brandon left home to take the bus. Elijah would join them a few bus stops further. Their parents had proposed to take them to school by car, but Brandon refused. He said he could do it, and prefer to go back to normal. He was only slightly limping, so he wouldn't have to explain anything about his accident.

Keira joined her friends as soon as they arrived at school. It was her last year in High School, the second one for Brandon and Elijah. Some of the boys' classmates from last year came to greet them, and they headed to check their new schedules, and who they'd be in class with.

Brandon's heart was beating a little too fast. He was prepared though, whatever he would discover. That's why he was able to hide the deep relief that was sinking into him when they found out he and Elijah weren't in the same class most of the time because of their choices. He even managed to fake a pretty convincing disappointement, feeling slightly guilty at the sight of Elijah's sincere one...


A week later, they were beginning to adjust themselves to their new rythm. They were having lunch at the cafeteria with a few friends. One of them, who had known them since the beginning of their friendship, back in Elementary School, suddenly asked near the end of the meal:

- Hey guys! I've been looking at you both since the first day of school, and I was wondering, is there anything wrong between you two?

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