25. Runaway

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Next week went rather smoothly. Brandon didn't leave Elijah's side as soon as he wasn't in class, but other than that he seemed to act quite relaxed around their friends. He even answered to Alan when he was talking to him, but he never began to talk to him himself.

Somewhere in the middle of the week, Elijah told him that he would like to come over for a first lesson with his dads if they were available. Next day, Brandon told him it was okay.

On Friday, Alan asked him shyly if it would be okay if he came along with Elijah.

- I would like you to show me the software you've used to edit his track. You did such a good work!

Brandon glanced at his best friend, clearly surprised. Blushing a little, Elijah explained:

- I let him listen to the track you recorded for me...

Brandon felt confused. Too much informations to process with. He was surprised and proud at the same time that Elijah had dared to make someone else listen to his composition. But Alan coming over at home... No one else but Elijah had ever came to visit him. And of all people, Alan... But how could he say no without being weird, and even rude?

- Yeah, sure, he finally answered with a weak smile.

Alan smiled brightly, thanked him and went away to his next class.

- I'll be there Bran, said Elijah softly. And he's really interested by this software you know. He seems to like a lot of things you do.

Brandon nodded silently.


On Saturday afternoon, around 3 p.m., Avi opened the door to welcome Elijah and Alan. He seemed surprised.

- Hi young men! But... where's Brandon?

- What do you mean?

- He told us this morning that he was going to your home for lunch, and that you would come back here later. And I'm sorry, added Avi looking apologetically at Alan, he didn't tell us there would be another friend coming over...

- Oh my God! exclaimed Elijah, clearly worried. Don't tell me it's happening again!

- What's happening? asked a voice behind Avi.

Avi turned to face Mitch.

- I don't know yet Mitchie... Seems that Brandon... lied to us, he trailed off, sad and concerned.

- He lied? What do you mean? Where is he?!

- Calm down, please Angel. Let's hear his friends.

Avi wrapped an arm around Mitch's shoulders, leading him back into the house, while he was gesturing the two startled teens to follow them.

- Come in. We need to talk.

Without losing time, he invited Elijah and Alan to sit down on a couch and forced Mitch to sit down beside him on the other one. He never took off his arm from Mitch's shoulders, as to keep him grounded. And for sure, Mitch seemed to be shaken up. Avi immediately took hold of the conversation.

- We can't afford to waste any time, you know it Elijah. Please excuse me if I'm so directive or if I seem a bit rude. First of all, who's your friend please?

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