29. Breathe...

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I've listened to this song a lot these days, and, among other things, it made me think about Bran & Lij...


Brandon was sitting on the ground, his back leaning against one of the trees. He didn't move when his friend approached, but Elijah knew he was aware of his presence because his hands were suddenly fidgetting on his lap.

- Hi...

Brandon didn't answer, but his hands stopped moving, and he raised his gaze to meet Elijah's briefly. He eyes were so full of sadness!

Elijah sat down near him, lightly resting his shoulder against Brandon's.

- How do you feel?

Brandon's voice, when he finally answered, was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for a while, or had cried too much.

- Stupid.

- Why is that?!

- I have... wonderful and caring fathers... loving sibblings... the best friend I could ever dream of, and even some good friends at school if I can accept them... and I still feel insecure and lonely so often! How can I be so ungrateful?! What's wrong with me?!

Tears were beginning to roll silently on his cheeks, but he didn't seem to notice, or at least he didn't pay attention.

Elijah remained quiet for a while, and then made a move. He turned to his crying friend and opened his arms silently. Brandon let himself fall in his embrace, sobbing more openly. The blond teen folded his arms around his friend's frail frame.

- There's nothing wrong with you buddy. Did you hear what you just said? You know that we are all here for you. You know how we feel for you. You're not ungrateful. If you feel lonely, it's not because of any of us, right?

- No...

Elijah was doing what he knew the best with Brandon: he was waiting.

- They left me Lij...

- ...

- They didn't want me? Why? Like I wasn't worth it...

Elijah widened his eyes, suddenly understanding who his friend was talking about. He tightened his grip around him. He answered softly.

- I have no idea of how you feel Bran, I can only try to imagine. And we'll surely never know why they couldn't keep you. But... It couldn't be because of you. A newborn can't disappoint. Not yet. And you told me, years ago, that you were left in front of a church. They didn't leave you in a street corner or in a dumpster. They did their best...

He felt Brandon's sobs calming slowly. He kept going.

- And then you've been chosen, taken care of, and cherish. So yes, you are worth it. This, I can tell.

- Alex told me the same, muttered the teen.

- Because it's true. But I don't think it's wrong to feel sad about it, you know. It's just... Well, it's your story. But it was just the beginning. You're not alone anymore.

Elijah felt Brandon's body relax in his arms. He kept holding him firmly.

- I've met a psychologist today, whispered Brandon suddenly.

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