21. Opening

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Picture: Alan

Back to shool the next week, Elijah was happilysurprised to see the change in Brandon's behaviour. He was making an obvious effort to talk to their classmates during lunch time, he was smiling a lot more, and after two weeks he even began to talk with some teens who were often in the same class as him but didn't know Elijah.

They were coming back home from school one day, and Elijah couldn't help but mention it:

- You've changed so much lately! I'm so happy, he smiled.

- I feel... alive! Brandon smiled back. It's like you opened a door for me!

- You opened it yourself, Bran.

- Let's say you helped me then, answered his friend softly. Thank you Lij. I've already told you, but you're the best friend I could have dreamed to have. I will always wonder why I've been hiding for so long!

- You weren't ready, you needed time I guess, smiled Elijah.

- And you were there for me...

- I'll always be.


In the meanwhile, Elijah was watching Alan... Alan who was staring at an oblivious Brandon more than he should have been, day after day. One day, while Brandon was talking with some of their friends about their next exams, Elijah took him apart.

- Alan? You're staring...

The poor boy seemed trapped.

- Hey! Don't freak out! I won't betray you!

- What do you mean? mumbled Alan.

- You like him, don't you?

Alan didn't answer at first. When he did, he was a little on the defensive.

- Why do you ask me?

- Listen, I've known you for as long as him. You can't hide, at least from me. Brandon didn't notice because he's just begining to open up to the others. But I did. And it doesn't bother me you know!

- Like he would ever been interested anyway...

- And why not?

Alan remained silent.

- Listen buddy, I'm not the kind to intrude, usually. But you know how much I care about him. He's been through a lot recently, but he's getting better now, as you can see it. And I trust you. He didn't make it public because he didn't feel the need to do so, but I want to let you know what he told me a few weeks ago. He's gay. It does't mean he would like you back. It just means he could. Now it's up to you.

Alan was wide-eyed and speechless. Elijah patted his shoulder, smiled at him and let him with his thoughts.


At the beginning of December, Elijah and Brandon were chilling at Elijah's home after a school day.

- I think I'm gonna throw a party for my birthday next month. Would you help me?

- Sure but... What do you want me to do? I'm not very good at this!

- Don't freak out Bran, I know you, I won't ask you anything you can't do, winked Elijah. Actually I would like you to make the invitations. You're way more at ease than me on a computer! I already have a list, you'll tell me if I forgot someone.

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