30. Departure and new start

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It had taken quite some time for Brandon to calm down after reading Alan's letter. Then he felt so bad for not feeling able to answer him before his departure.

- Don't worry Bran. I'll tell him you've read it, and that you were moved. Okay? That's all what counts for him for now.

- I feel... numb. Empty. It's scary...

- Take your time Bran. Your family is here for you, I am too. Take care of you. That's all what matters for now.

After a last long hug, Elijah went back home, promising to come back each day to bring his friend's homework. And the week came to an end...

On Saturday evening, when Alan settled down in his new bedroom, he was surprised by a short text:

*Thank you. Brandon.

Slowly, a shy smile appeared on his lips, and he let escape a soft sigh. He didn't want to hope too much, but these three words meant a lot...

He simply answered:

*Take care of you ♥


Next Monday, Brandon came back to school. He was mostly silent, and all his new friends respected it, duly warned by Elijah. Little by little, things got back to a kind of normality.

Brandon had a hard time to accept to open up to his psychologist. But the man was a really good one, and he eventually managed to earn his trust. Then began the long journey towards acceptance...

The first step was when Brandon decided, two weeks later, to talk with his fathers about his past. His poor short foggy past before they met him at the hospital.

Mitch told him tenderly how he looked like then:

- You were so tiny, you seemed so fragile, and you were the most beautiful child, like a porcelaine doll...

- They had found you three days ago, added Avi. A nurse from the hospital. We've talked to her. She showed us the clothes you were wearing then. They weren't new, but they were cute and clean. And you were wrapped in and old blanket decorated with cartoons characters. Bran, it was obvious that your mom cared for you. You were only a week old, but you were already starving. At the hospital, they told us she was most likely unable to feed you. That's why she left you. She must have been through a lot...

Tears began to roll down the teen's cheeks. Silently, Mitch wrapped an arm around his shoulders and Brandon rested his head against him. He whispered:

- Did you keep the clothes?

- Yes, answered Mitch softly. I didn't know if you would like to see them one day, but I wanted to have them just in case. The clothes and the blanket.

- Please...

Avi stood up and went to their bedroom. He came back shortly after with a paper bag.

- Here you are, son.

Carefully, Bradon opened the bag and peered inside. He raised his eyes to meet Avi's, and then Mitch's.

- Thank you, he whispered with a moved yet calm voice. May I keep them?

- They are yours Brandon.

Four Years... (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz