12. Denial

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Hi everyone! Thank you for your support so far, and please don't hesitate to comment! It's always a pleasure ^-^

I've been reading a lot myself these days, and anyway I had to figure out some details about this story, that's why I needed time before publishing more... But here's a new chapter, hope you like it!


When Brandon woke up next morning, he sat up on his bed and stayed motionless for a while. Mitch found him like this when he went to check on him.

Avi had already left for the studio, after making Mitch promise to call him if anything new happened. David had gone with him, as Avi's car was still at the studio, to bring back Mitch's car in case he would need it.

- How do you feel today, son?

Brandon didn't reply immediately. He raised his eyes, looked at Mitch as if he needed to accomodate.

- My leg hurts. I'm hungry.

- A nurse will soon be here to take care of your injury. You'll get dressed afterwards. Do you feel strong enough to come have your breakfast in the kitchen?

- Of course.

Mitch didn't comment on his harsh tone. He handed him the crutches. Brandon stood up clumsily, letting escape a small whimper. Mitch winced but didn't budge. They headed to the kitchen, where Keira was setting the breakfast.

- Hi lil bro! How d'you feel?

- Crushed. But alive. Thank you sis. I wouldn't have imagined I would be grateful one day that you had to betray one of my secrets.

- Ask David, it wasn't an easy decision to make. But you scared me!

He smiled slightly, for the first time since they had rescued him.

Mitch was pouring some coffee in a cup. When he turned back to the table, Keira gave him a look. Brandon, facing his sister, couldn't see him. He raised his eyebrows, then motioned his head to the living room, pointing at himself with his free hand. His daughter blinked once.

- I think I'm gonna have my coffee over there, he mumbled, leaving the kitchen.

Keira flashed him a smile. Mitch sat on the couch, where Neko, Keira's cat, joined him, jumping on his lap. He could barely hear the two sibblings talking, but he had good ears...

- Brandon, I must update you on a few things. As you didn't answer to Elijah – she clearly saw her brother flinch at his friend's name – Dad told him you might have broken your phone.

Brandon widened his eyes. Avi had lied?

- Don't look at me like this. Yes he said so. I think he wanted to give you some time to make a decision. I don't want to know what's going up between you too, unless you want to tell me. But he deserves to be treated better than being ignored. He was really worried about you yesterday. You can still pretend your phone was wet and is back to normal now. I just want to let you know that he hopes to come and see you today. He texted me after Dad's call. I can tell him you don't feel really good yet if you want.

Brandon remained silent for a while. Then he spoke slowly.

- I don't have any problem with Elijah. I'll tell him to come over this afternoon.

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