16. We need to talk

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- I need to talk to you both. Would your daughter stay with Brandon in the meanwhile?

- Keira? Is it okay for you?

- Of course Dad.

Keira got up and joined her brother in the exam room, while Avi and Mitch followed the doctor in his office. She found Brandon lying on the exam table, eyes closed. She sighed and sat down on a tool near him, grabbing one of his hands. He squeezed it slightly, not making any other move. She remained silent.

- First, here is my diagnostic. He wasn't in danger, you were right Mr Kaplan. Five of these pills were a little too much and made him sick but nothing serious. He could have taken more but he didn't. He might have wanted some help to sleep, and thought he needed more than one because he was really stressed. But if I'm not worried about his health, I am about the meaning of what he did. I have no medical reason to suggest a suicide watch but I would recommend it.

Mitch answered without leaving any chance to Avi to do so. His voice was soft but firm.

- Thank you Doctor. We know what's going on actually, and he already began to talk to me. We will watch him carefully, and I promise to come back to you if we think it's going out of our control. But for now he'll go back home with us.

The doctor turn to Avi with a questioning gaze.

- I agree, Avi answered softly, holding his gaze.

- Right, I can only give you my opinion. He answered to my questions about his physical discomfort, but nothing more. Of course he didn't often talk to me, as your children were almost never ill, he added with a small smile. I asked him if he wanted some help from a specialist, but I'll be honest, and it was the only question of that kind to which he answered, he told me he wanted to go back home.

Mitch smiled sadly.

- Then we all agree. Thank you Doctor.

- Here is a prescription for his stomach ache, keep him warm and quiet today. But he needs to move and eat as usual tomorrow, or you should worry. And try to make him talk to you more, he's holding back too much for his own sake.

- Thanks again, replied Mitch, standing up and reaching out his hand.

Avi did the same and they headed to the exam room. Avi came near the table. Keira left Brandon's hand, resting it gently beside him while he opened his eyes, and she pulled away. He gazed at her, then at Avi.

- We're going back home, son. Are you able to get up and walk?

Brandon reached a hand for help and Avi took it. The teen sat up slowly, then got up.

- If you hold me a little, I can walk, he whispered.

Mitch grabbed his other arm, Keira opened the door, and the three men followed her to the car, followed by the doctor's worried look.


It was around 2 PM when they arrived at home. Brandon agreed to eat a little, and Avi and Keira set the plates and dishes on the coffee table in the living room because he felt too weak to sit on a chair. Mitch was beside Brandon on a couch, Avi and Keira across from them on the other one. They only made small talks during the meal. When it was over, Keira offered to clean up by herself, to let them talk.

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