week before the dance

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I'm just lying in bed with poppy asleep at my feet and Brittany next door viciously scrubbing her pumps when my phone buzzed. I took a look and saw it was jhon.

"Hey, you going to the dance?"


"I was wondering if you had a date yet."

"I wanted to go with Jackson but he's gonna be out of state so no.I don't."

"Oh,I'm sorry... umm... hey. Will you go to the uh...dance with me?"

"Yeah sure. "


"Why are you up at 3 in the morning?"

"Couldn't sleep.why are you?"

"Brit brat is scrubbing her shoes and crying because my puppy peed on them. "



"Thats amazing."

"Yeah, yeah it really is."

"So what's up?"

"I'm just online playing jnmp. What about you?"

"I already told you what I was doing Lol. I should get on jnmp and join that one room with all the bratty chicks and troll. You wanna help?"

"You know it. "

I got on jnmp and joined this sexy chat thingy... it was mostly girls swooning over like 1 guy that I'm sure they don't even know. Then I noticed that jhon joined the room too.

"Hey d.w.d.! Long time no see!! How are you and your girlfriend?"

" Oh hey ehs2018, I'm fine but she and I broke up."

As soon as the girls read that they we're all over him.

"Oh,sorry to hear."

"Yeah,it's alright. She was a b*tch. Who I really want to be with is you. But you like someone else don't you?"

"Yeah sorry. "

Then the girls started typing.

One girl with red hair "I'll be your new girl"

Another behind her "no let me be your new girlfriend!"

Then he said

"Sorry ladies. I only date girls near me. And judging by your profiles,you're miles and miles and miles away."

The red haired girl "but what about that girl you want?! Is she as far from you as we are?!"

"No,she only live two miles from me and we go to school together."

He left the chat and so did I. I got a text from him asking...

"What'd they do after I left?"

"They started trying to yell at me I just told them to stop being so thirsty and get a hold of themselves. And left. "


"Good comeback?"

"Amazing comeback."


Then my doorbell rang. I went downstairs to answer the door but when I opened it nobody was there. I looked down and saw roses and chocolate on my door step. Hm. Who ever that was is pretty old fashioned.... I put the flowers in a vase with water and brought it back to my room and put it on a shlef by my window.

"Thats so wierd,someone rang my door bell and nobody was there when I answered it."

"Really? Was there anything there?"

"Yeah. Roses and chocolate."

"Whoa girl you got a stalker! Lol jk."

"Hahaha Oh shut up. I do not. I'm sure you sent me these you creeper Lol."

"You know me so well!"

I laughed and told jhon I was going to bed and that I'd text him tomorrow. After I put my phone down I passed out.

I woke up around 7 in the morning when I heard someone knock on my bedroom door. I opened it only to find....


CLIFFHANGER! Lol I'll write more later. Thanks for reading the chapter and dasvidaniya!

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