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Today's my 21st birthday and I hope the guys don't get too crazy with how to celebrate. 21 is just like any other number I don't see the big fuss. But Chris said it's like the "sweet sixteen" of adulthood. I knew that but I'm just not a crazy party kinda guy.


Chris sent me and Balz out to get something for Ricky. I wanted to get him a card and maybe another beanie cause he's always wearing them but noooo, Balz said lets get crazy and dragged me to a place that sells prostitutes.

"You're fucking kidding me aren't you Joshua? I don't even think Chris would come here."

"Oh hush Ange." He went to the man in charge and said he was interested in a male prostitute.

"Chris I think you should know Balz is thinking of getting a prostitute."

"Does he not know Ricky at all?"

"Apparently not."

"Well stop him!"

I looked up and he was actually buying a male prostitute.

"He's already getting one."

"Ask for a refund or something!"

"Or just let Balz take the fall for this and I'll get what I wanted for Ricky."

"Dare I ask?"

"A card and maybe something simple like another beanie."

"He'll love that." I put my phone up and was about to leave when I saw the man pulling about two boys who were holding hands.

"Jesse!" I heard the boy cry out and I sighed.

"I'll take Jesse." All three look at me surprised.

"But I thought you were totally against the idea Ange?" I just ignored him and Jesse stood by my side. The man says have a nice day and I left assuming the other three were following me.

"Chris says you don't know Ricky at all so Jesse and what's your name?" I turned to the boy.


"No your real name."

"Devin Sola."

"Okay. So Jesse and Devin can just live with me. If that's okay with y'all?" They looked confused that I was asking for their preference.

"I-It's quite alright sir." Jesse says.

"Please don't call me that. It makes me feel weird. I'm Angelo and that's Balz."

"What's your real name?" Ghost asks Balz.



"Okay we cool to pretend you weren't the total dumb fuck you are and bought a prostitute?"

"I will if you do." And we both agreed to not say a word. I drove us to a store and got Ricky his card and beanie. Balz copies me and I hope this is the low key Ricky wanted.


"Alright you two can either make yourselves at home here or dress more appropriately and come with us and we'll say your our new friends." They both opted to stay home so me and Balz headed for Ricky's.

After we gave him his presents, he laughed at the fact me and Balz got the same thing and said one can never have too many beanies, we had some cake.

"Thanks guys. I was afraid y'all would do something insane." Chris starts choking on his cake and Balz looked suddenly interested in staring at his cake.

"Alright what is it?" Ricky crosses his arms and looks at us.

"It's nothing Ricky." I say and eat my cake hoping a full mouth will stop me from saying something stupid. Balz follows my lead and Chris sighed.

"Ange wanted to do something crazy for you."
He leaves after saying that.

"Oh really?" Ricky looks at me.

"It was Balz here that did it. I wanted to get you a simple gift and I did." I took my leave as well and left Balz to deal with Ricky.

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