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Me and Jesse went on a double date with Ricky and Devin. We went to some club after eating at a fast food place. Jesse and Devin got really drunk then went and danced with all the other drunk people. Devin looked like he was doing some sort of belly dancing and Ricky's reaction was priceless. He's soooo turned on right now. It probably didn't help the Devin was wearing tight clothing. I laughed but I can't lie. I was turned on by Jesse dancing.

Guess prostitiution teaches you a thing or two about dancing like a stripper?

I definitely gotta get him to do that for me sometime. I pulled out my phone to record this moment. They are so gonna be hung over tomorrow.


"So how was the date?" Chris asks as we entered the house. I was carrying Jesse cause he passed out and Ricky was practically carrying Devin as he staggered along behind us.

"It was good. Took a little video of some drunk dancing."

"Alright show me."

"Heyyyyyy Chris." Devin slurred his words slightly and giggles.


"You're soooo tall!" Devin gasps and Ricky laughs.

"Yes he is."

"I'm tired." Then he dropped like a rock.

"Alrighty then I'm just gonna take him to bed." Ricky disappears around the corner and I went to go do the same with Jesse.

"Alright Chris I must warn you that those two dance very seductively when they're drunk. You still wanna watch it?"


"Alright." I showed him and yeah it's impossible not to be turned on by this.

"Wow that was uhhh......."

"Yep. Definitely getting Jesse to do that sometime for me."

"I want a girl like that."

"I'm sorry I'm heteropobic." I say and back away. He pouts which looked weird with all his lip piercings.

"You know who you're cute with?"

"I'm listening."

"Costello." I don't know how to describe the color of blush Chris turns.


"She's dating Nikki though." Chris sounds really upset saying this.


"No she isn't. I just asked her and she said they broke up a week ago." Ricky says then shows the texts to Chris. His frown gets bigger and he turns the phone back to Ricky.

Ash: Stop trying to set me up with Chris Olson. We're just good friends okay?

"Thanks anyways." Chris walks out the door sadly and i sighed.

"I feel bad for him. We'll just have to find him another girl." Ricky says.

"Alright Roadkill you do it. I want no part in this."

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