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A/N: Jesse backstory part 2!


"I've never seen you cry before Jesse." Devin says when I came out of the room.

"I don't plan to do that often."

"Oh Hun it's not good to keep them in. I tried that and you know what happened."

I do. I remember exactly what happened. It's a side of Devin I pray I never see again. There's a lot of built up white hot fury in that fragile looking body of his. He almost killed someone the first week there.


"Hey cutie. Why don't you get with a real man and stop wasting your time with McNamara." 

Ghost blushes but shakes his head silently. The come ons quickly turned to sexual harassment. 

By the end of the week Ghost had had enough and just snaps. 

"Hey cu-"

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" He screams and everyone is taken back. It goes dead silent before the guy tries to come onto him again.

"C'mon baby don't be like that." He puts his arm around Ghost but then gets flipped and his arm broken. Ghost didn't stop there though. A multitude of broken bones and lots of bloodshed later, Ghost is finally separated from the guy. He had pretty much beaten him within an inch of his life.

I still can't believe the boy in front of me, shy and fragile, could turn on a dime and be such a vicious savage. 

*end flashback* 

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