
It's been a week since we bought the two and I don't think we can hide them from Ricky much longer. He'll lose his shit and I'd rather not have that happen. Meanwhile Ghost won't come out of his room and I've tried everything to get him out. Jesse has tried as well but nothing. I asked Balz and Chris if they could come over hoping they'd have a brilliant idea.

"What's wrong?" Balz asks.

"It's Ghost. Me and Jesse can't get him out of his room."

"Jesse? Oh this the prostitute that you said he was getting?"

"Yeah one of them. Know what Chris can you go get Ricky?" He leaves and Balz goes to Ghost's room. Jesse was at the door already.

"Devin sweetie can you let me in?"

"No! Just leave me alone!"

"Ange? What's the emergency?" Ricky calls out like it was weird to invite my friend to my house.

"Over here!"

"What are you doing? And who is this?"

"This is Jesse he's a new friend of mine."

"And why are we huddled around a door?"

"We're trying to get my friend out. He's extremely depressed and shouldn't be alone right now." Jesse says sadly and Ricky gets a pained look on his face.

"You wanna take this Rick?" Chris asks and Ricky nods.

"C'mon." I pull Jesse away from the door.


After they left the room i turned back to the door and knocked. "Can you let me in?"

"Who are you?"


"Well go away Ricky!"

"Can I have your name?"


"Well please Ghost. I know what you're going through." The door flew open and my God he's cute.

"No you don't." I pulled him out and drug him to the kitchen.

"Devin sweetie you had me worried!" Jesse jumps up and hugged him. I felt a little pang of jealousy just looking at Jesse.

"Rick you alright?" I didn't realize I was glaring.

"Super." I walked out the door but someone grabs my wrist.

"Stay please?" Jesse says.

"Thanks but no." I spat a little more hateful then I intended. Why does he get the cute boy?

"We're not dating Ricky."

"Could've fooled me."

Oh my God why can't I stop sounding so hateful?

"Chill alright Ricky? Look I'm gonna go get him and you two talk alright? I'm not the enemy here." Jesse walks back in and reappears with Ghost in tow.

"Alright you two talk." Jesse says then closes the door behind him. I grabbed his hand and took him to my house for a little more privacy. We sat on the couch and I couldn't help but stare at his stomach. So. Many. Scars. I started feeling sick just seeing them so I looked back up at his face. He was already looking at me and moved his arms to cover his stomach. I'm willing to bet his arms are covered in scars as well. I think he also has an eating disorder. Ghost is on a pretty dark and self-destructive path. I fear if I don't intervene, he won't be alive much longer. Why I suddenly feel so protective over Ghost I don't know. Maybe it's cause to a certain extent I know what's he's going through? Those were some extremely dark days......

"Are you okay?" He asks me and I realized I'm crying.

"Yeah, fine. Sorry Ghost." I wiped my tears.

"Devin." I nodded and he hugs me. "Pretty boys like you shouldn't cry."

"Well pretty boys like you shouldn't be so down on themselves." That lead to him crying on me for a solid two hours.

"You don't know what I do. What I've done Ricky."

"Well what do you do?"

"I'm a prostitute. I have serious daddy issues cause he disowned me and I ran away which is why I'm in this goddamn business anyways. You do stupid things when you're desperate. I just wanted off the streets. Jesse is all I really have. My mom died and I have no one else." I held him close and did my best to comfort him. He's been through so much. I wanna take him away from all that; hold him and protect him from such heartache and pain. He suddenly sits up and rubs his already ruined make up of his face with his sleeve. I bit my lip to stop a whine at the sudden loss of him in my arms. I liked that feeling.

No Ricky you're not jumping into another relationship almost a month after breaking up with Jessica. And you're certainly not gay.

"I'm sorry Ricky. I didn't mean to tell you all that. Do you have a bathroom?"

"Yeah. Up the stairs and to the left." He nods and leaves quickly. I pulled out my phone and texted Angelo.

Me: hey can I talk to Jesse?

Angelo: alright.

Angelo: Ricky?

Me: Jesse?

Angelo: Yeah. What's up?

Me: me and Ghost are at my house.

Angelo: yeah I kinda figured.

Me: no I mean he's at my house. What am I doing?

Angelo: doing what any person with a crush does.

Me: but I'm not gay. And I just broke up with my girlfriend less then a month ago.

Angelo: straight guys don't get jealous over a guy.

Angelo: straight guys don't look at other guys that way.

Me: fuck it I guess I'm gay for Ghost.

Angelo: Devin's a cuddler you sure you can handle that?;)

Me: I think I'll manage.

Angelo: alright. Bye Ricky.

Me: bye Jesse.

Angelo: You're gay Ricky?

Me: bye Ange.

Angelo: :(

I put my phone up and Ghost walks back in.
"So what do you want to-" I was cut off by Ghost kissing me. Of course I kissed him back but he pulled away earlier then I would've liked and whined.

He giggles and bites his lip.

"You're a cutie Ricky. I really like you."

"I really like you as well Devin. You wanna watch a movie or something?"

He nods and I asked what movie. He said he didn't care so I put in The Nightmare Before Christmas cause I liked it so much. Devin cuddled up to me and I put my arms around him. Jesse was right; Devin is an excellent cuddler. We spent the rest of the night cuddling and kissing, and occasionally watching the movie. But mostly kissing. He passed out before the movie was over so I grabbed a blanket and put it over us.

This is perfect.

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