Alternate Ending ~ Nick

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Alternate Ending

~ Nick ~

"You're such a loser," I laughed as I let my hand reach out and smack Nick across the cheek. He simply grinned back at me before picking me up like I weighed nothing and throwing me over his shoulder. "You smell bad! Put me down!"

"Never!" He declared as he started walking away from the dressing room.

"I'll help you kick his butt when he puts you down!" Harry yelled, already prepping himself up. 

Harry and Nick had somehow started to get along really well in the past year, yet they both took any single opportunity they could to injure each other. Once Nick started talking to the five boys more, he realized his original thoughts on them were completely false. When Nick found out Harry had no intentions of asking me out or even remotely liked me as more than a friend, the two discovered that they were practically long lost brothers. 

"I don't need any help, thank you very much." I slammed my fist down on Nick's back.

Holy french fries, the kid was basically made of stone, he didn't even flinch.

"I will poison your breakfast if you don't put me down in the next two seconds." I threatened, trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp. It really wasn't fair how strong he was, made me feel like a weak kitten in comparison.

"That is such a strange relationship. They fight more than they get along." Niall's new girlfriend, Vanessa, proclaimed. 

Niall grinned as he wrapped an arm around her. "You get used to it."

Nick finally relented after I attempted to kick him, and he lowered me to the ground. I proceeded to glare at him for five minutes straight without looking away or breaking character. Niall, Harry, Vanessa, Zayn and Trinity all continued on with their conversations. I guess they had truly gotten used to it. Since Nick and I started dating seven months ago, absolutely nothing has changed. Our friendship rules all, despite that we might kiss or hug and do all that gross coupley stuff, which helped when we hung out with our other friends. And yeah - somehow I managed to stay close friends with all of One Direction. Crazy how much life can change in 365 days.

"Don't you guys have prep or something before a concert? Do you really get to hang around and do nothing before?" I asked once I had stopped glaring at my boyfriend. "Because if so… you guys really need to get lives."

"We have twenty-five thousand screaming girls about a couple hundred feet that way," Harry moved his hand somewhere in the direction of the doors. "I say we have really great lives, thank you very much."

"Lives where you are deaf and stupid. I just don't see how that's classified as 'great'. But hey, if it makes you happy." I shrugged.

"We'll let you guys warm up and all," Trinity said quickly before Harry could retort with an equally sarcastic response. She was smart enough to know that once Harry and I started bickering, we didn't stop for a while. She leaned up to press a quick kiss to Zayn's cheek before latching onto my arm. "Do well!"

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