Chapter 2

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*16 years later*

Ugh it's Monday and you know what that I love school actually, I just hate the kids. They always treat me like shit, I never did anything to them, they just don't like the fact that I'm a 'Half Breed'. I don't get why I have to suffer for my parents mistakes, I did nothing wrong. It's bad enough that they left me to gorge on this hatred from both the vampires and werewolves, even my own family won't talk to me or look in my direction except my uncle.

He raised me and taught me how to control my wolf side and how to transform but there was nobody to teach me about my vampire side. The only things I hear about the vampires are how evil and monstrous they are and how I'm just like them. When I'm in my human form, I look like a vampire with my pale skin. I lure in new comer vampires because they would think I'm just like them; but when I feel the urge to shift, I would and suddenly my so called vampire friends would turn on me and try to attack me. The same happens with the werewolves, only when I'm in my wolf form. It's nothing really new to me, I've been through it for 16 years....well actually 10 years since I couldn't really function when I was a baby to know what was going on before me.

The only friends I had were humans since they didn't really care about the competition. At first they would be scared of me but once I show them I'm harmless, then they would warm up to me. You would expect me to be happy with just this but I'm not. There aren't many humans left since everyone keeps killing them off. Each friend I make, they end up dead within the week or month. I only have five left and it's been hell trying to keep them alive, protecting them, keeping them safe from all the vampires and werewolves..I don't think I can keep it up for long.

"Skyla! Lets go!"


Whelp there's my uncle, I guess it's time for me to go.

I grabbed my book bag and left my warm comforting room to the cold dark world that awaited to torture me and erase my last bit of hope of finding happiness. I walked down the stairs feeling as if there were summit blocks chained to my ankles dragging me back making me walk even slower while the earth was on my shoulders making me slouch and feel sick to my stomach. I feel like this every morning so it's not like I try to fix it.

By the time I finally made it down stairs, I heard multiple voices in the kitchen so being my nosey self, I decided to listen in on the conversation. With my werewolf and vampire side, I was able to make my hearing double times better than normal. I used my vampire abilities and ran to a hiding spot near the multiple voices without making any noises.

I recognized the voices the moment I got closer, it was my uncle, his brother and two sisters. I concentrated on what they were talking about trying my best not to move.

"John, you can't keep her forever. She doesn't have a future or anything for that matter. We should just get rid of her while we still can." I recognized that voice, it was my sorry excuse of a auntie Joan, She never really did like me even though I was her niece.

"Joan, you know I can'r do that until she turns eighteen, I promised Mary that i would take care of her until then."

"John, we all know she's been a burden on you for these past sixteen years, we are trying to do you a favor. She's the only reason you haven't found your mate yet. You barely attract any attention because she's always by your side and she's like a bad fragrance of cologne you put on." Nice choice of words uncle Mike.

"You guys could be devils if you wanted to, she's just a child, we can't do that to her." Thanks auntie Jessica, you seem to be the only one that likes me at this point in my family.

"Jessica, the only reason you like her is because she looks like you so stop the bull. John please, me and Joan already have a plan for it. Tonight she goes for a run like she always does and around midnight and at that moment we will round up some of the wolves and we'll get her when she least expects it. What do you think?"

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