Chapter 12

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"What's up love"

I stared at her with nothing but a blank expression, "No she didn't just call me love." I mumbled to myself as I turned and walked away.

"Hey wait, what's the hurry?" She said as she jumped in front of me causing me to jump back.

"Aren't you suppose to be in a bed half dead somewhere?" Sounding very irritated by her presence.

"Is that a trick question or do you not know how vampires work?" She said with her hand on her hip. She looked a lot like Tristey but I won't be fooled by that, she is still the one responsible for my parents death.

I started to walk forward and so did she. I turned slightly to the right and so did she while grinning. She knew she was agitating me and was enjoying every bit of it and quite frankly, I was growing tired of it.

I turned so quickly and growled in her face where her smile turned upside down.

"Look! Why the fuck are you following me huh?!" I yelled. She shrugged and walked circles around me.

"Because it makes you mad and your cute when your mad."

I scrunched up my face disgust, "Ew"

I crossed my arms and turned my back to her debating on what to do with my life. My aunt is pissed at me for a stupid lie that that bitch made up, what happened to family first huh? Bros before hoes. I guess that doesn't work over there anymore.

My mate is pissed at me because of a accident that I made, I mean I would be pissed too but I need someone in my life right now and I have no one.

I felt a finger tap my shoulder knocking me out of my thoughts. "Hey, you got me." She grinned with her fangs showing. I felt a rush of anger flow through me, this bitch is going to be the death of me one day; literally.

Within a flash I had her pinned up against the nearest tree by the throat. I felt my fangs extending and a growl erupted in my throat.

"You? You? Are you serious right now? What makes you think I trust you huh? You tried to kill me you stupid pathetic selfish beautiful ass creature you..." I paused from my sentence remembering what I just said. Did I just call her beautiful? I mean well she is my mates twin but still!"

She smirked while trying to pry my hand away from her throat which was not working due to my vampire and wolf strength out together. "Oh I'm beautiful now?"

Before I could respond, a familiar scent flew through the air. I sniffed the air and noticed a couple of wolves a good distance from us baring their canines growling at us. I noticed that some of them were my aunts and uncles. I seen my uncle John in the back, the only one not growling.

I slowly put her down and let go of her throat making every one of my movements slow as possible with them watching my every move. I glanced back at Tristina and made a run for it, leaving her in my dust. I heard a bunch of running from behind me, letting me know they were chasing after me.

I noticed a blur beside me, at first I thought it was my imagination until I got a closer look.

"What the hell Tristina!" I said while dodging trees left and right.

"What? You thought I was just going to stay behind and let them chew me to pieces? I'm good."

I groaned rolling my eyes while continuing to run. We were dodging trees, jumping over logs and creeks with my family on our tail. A couple of wolves got close enough to attack but we would fight back until we got far enough to continue running. A dark brown wolf that I recognized as my cousin Travis pounced towards Tristina biting her in the shoulder. She hissed in pain and punched him countless times in the face until he whimpered finally letting go.

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