Chapter 14-youtube

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Jays POV

"Ok Sammy so the most popular things that were picked were a Q and A an a cute/hot things girls/guys do." I say looking at me phone.

"I call the Q and A." He says jumpy.

"Too bad I get it."

"I hate you."

I laugh and go to the camera

"Ok it's all set up." I tell Sammy

"K," he says positioning him self in front of the camera. "Wait what are we doing first?" He asks

"We'll do yours." I respond. "Ok now are you ready?"

"Ok now I'm ready" he says smiling.

"Ok." I laugh, and hit record.

I dive on the bed next to Sammy.

"Hello to everyone watching this at home or wherever you are, I am here with the chill, beautiful, and always snap crackle poppin, Jay Gilinsky, woo!" He says into the camera starting off the video.

"Snap crackle poppin?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says proud of himself.

"Ok." I say looking back at the camera.

"So earlier today Jay and I tweeted you guys to give us some YouTube video ideas, and one of the winners were cute/hot things boys and girls do, so that's what we're gonna do here."

"Ok let's do cute things first and we can just alternate." I tell him.

"K, you go first." He says

"Ok so something cute that a boy does, um, oh well it's really cute when a boy plays with your hair, and like they can braid it and stuff, and if they don't know how to do it, it's always so cute watching them get mad, when they fail. Your turn." I tell Sammy

"Ok, its really cute when a girl puts a hair in a messy bun." He says then looks at me.

"That's it? Well I guess it's my turn again it's really cute when a boy just wants to cuddle. Like you'll be doing something and all of a sudden he just wraps his arms around you and just cuddles."

"I think it's cute when you give a girl your sweater or something and it's huge on her. For example I'll show you." He says taking of his sweatshirt he's wearing and hands it to me.

"You want me to put it on?" I ask him

"I thought I made that pretty clear." he says laughing.

"Ok." I laugh

I slip the sweatshirt right overt head and get off the bed and stand up.

It's huge on me its past my knees it's almost to the middle of my shins, and he arms are hanging off my hands.

"The sleeves are so long on you." He laughs, "you finger tips end where the middle of my forearm would be."

"Ya ya, whatever." I say hopping on the bed.

"See cute." Sammy says "displaying me."

"No, I'm not cute imma turtle." I say putting my knees in the sweater and take my arms out of the sleeves and put them in the sweater as well. I grab the hood and put my head to my knees so you can't see me and I just look like a blob.

"Yes, but your my cute little turtle." He says and pushes me back and I roll in the bed like an egg.

"Ok we need to get back to the video." Sammy says.

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