14| Quattuordecim

361 47 17

You're her man, you're supposed to inspire her happiness, not destroy it.


Ryan's Pov:

Leaving Leah has been one of the toughest decisions that I have ever made in my life. It's not easy or safe for her to come back with me to Russia. Especially if she is associated with my family.

"Wait for me," she tells me, giving my hand a small squeeze. I take in her freckled face, her hair being placed in a bright blue head cap as she is clad in a loose hospital gown, she doesn't look less attractive than when she did when I first met her. So much has changed since then. I've never had someone that I have wanted to protect with all my life except for my mother.

"I love you." I lean down to kiss her softly on her forehead.

I will always love you.

I watch as she is wheeled into the operation theatre. "It's going to be fine, trust me." Dr. Thomas says reading my worried expression before heading in.

It's been an hour into the surgery when I hear a set of hurried footsteps and look at an older lady who looks to be in her forties. She carries a worried expression as she asks the nurses, "Where can I find Miss Leah Richardson? I was told that her room was 308, but the room is empty now."

Leah had a small palm sized directory with numbers of her family and friends. I'm guessing she never opened it after the accident since there was a fine layer of dust on the brown leather bound book.

Leah had mentioned an Aunt's name- Meg or something, I wasn't sure. My eyes scanned through the list of names she has jotted down in the swirly purple font.



Aunt May

Must be this.

I tap my finger on the 10 digit number before taking out my phone. It rings a few times and I feel my palms going clammy as I wonder how I should introduce myself to her family. This is basically my first time talking to her side of the family. "Hello? Who is this?" I hear a voice from the other end.

"Hi, I'm Ryan. A friend of Leah's." I wait for a reply but the line goes silent. Heavy breathing is the only sign that she hasn't hung up on me.

"Where is she?" she softly asks with a hint of urgency in her voice. "You know how long I've been trying to contact her. This is not a hoax is it?"

I immediately relieve her from her fears. "No ma'am. She's doing well." I give her the address and name of the hospital. As I cut the call, I can't help but wonder if I'm doing the right thing by not telling Leah about this.

"You've not told Leah many things." A small voice tsks inside my head which makes me feel guilty for keeping her in the dark. It's to protect her, and I don't want anything to happen to her.

A few hours later- her aunt is in front of me with someone who looks similar to Leah except for her blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Are you Mrs. May?" I ask her, finally mustering the courage to introduce myself to her.

She narrows her eyes and scans me as she adjusts her rimless glasses perched on her nose. "I spoke to you on the phone, didn't I? Where is my niece?"

I explain to the family that she's currently undergoing a surgery and the doctor said that there was a 93 percent chance that she would recover her eyesight. Three hours into the surgery, and Leah's sister softly comes up to me, "Are you Leah's boyfriend?" I am immediately thrown off by the question and she notices my flustered expression.

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