Gilbert X Reader~ Cats

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Your POV

I pet the little ball on my lap. "Awww~" The ball shifts and yawns, stretching slightly as it quickly falls back asleep. "I'm sure Oz-Kun will love you!" I squeal, the kitten doesn't even flinch, just remains in his sleeping state.

Xerxes Break stabs a cake as he sits at a table in the corner of the small tea room. "Oh? But what about poor little Gil-Kun~!" He laughs and swallows the cake whole. "What ever do you mean, Break-Sama?" I look up confused.

For a moment he just stares before sliding up to me, inches from my face. "He never told you of his greatest fear~?" He teases pulling a candy from his pocket. I raise an eyebrow and look back to the kitten. It's jet black fur glisten in the sunlight that streams in from large windows.

"Of course he wouldn't, Why would he? I would just tease him about it anyway." I state giggling. Break slips back into his seat at the table and plops the candy in his mouth. "He's scared of cats."

Everything falls silent. "W-What? But... They're so cuuuuuuttttttteeeeee~!" I puff my cheeks and hold the cat out in front of me. An idea seeps into my mind and I smile at Break mischievously. "Oh Break-Sama~! When will Gilbert-Kun and Oz-Kun get back?" I say with a mock pout.

He laughs and walks over to the closet. When he doesn't speak, Emily happily Chimes in. "Give 'em an hour."

"Thank you Emily-Chan~!" I call running to the door, cat in hand. As I round the corner to leave I see Break enter the closet. Such a strange fellow, that Break.

-=(Time Skip Brought To You By; Oz-Kun Flirting With Every Woman He Sees~)=-

"BUT GIIIIIIILLLLLLLL" Oz's voice rings through out the halls. I smile and hold the cat out as I begin to walk towards Gilbert, Oz, and Alice.

"No. Oz, that was close if I-" Gilbert stops mid sentence when he sees you walking up to them. You bow slightly and look right at Oz. "Oz-Kun look! I found this adorable little fellow in the garden this morning. Isn't he cute?!" I give Oz a closed eye smile. "[Y/N]!!" Oz shouts and runs up to hug you. He pets the cat, grinning like an idiot.

I look over to Gilbert. His face Is pale and his golden eyes are wide with horror. I smirk to myself and shove the cat to him. He screams and runs to hide behind the nearest table. "What's wrong Gilbert-Kun? Don't you like kitties~!" I tease walking closer. Oz walks with me, a mischievous grin on his lips. "Poor little Gil here is terrified of cats." He laughs.

I puff my cheeks out and lean over the table shoving the cat in his face. "But he's so cute! He looks just like you Gilbert-Kun!" I say, not realizing just what I had said. Gilberts face flares with a deep blush. The little kitten opens it's eyes sleepily. He stares at the feline, golden eyes meet smaller ones.

His blush deepens as he notices your right- The cat does resemble him. It has raven colored fur and Golden eyes. Just like him. He shudders and crouches into the fetal position, a cloud of despair surrounding him.

I giggle and Oz pats his back. Alice leaves for the kitchen, mumbling something about meat calling her name. I gently place the cat on the couch and crouch next to Gilbert. Awkwardly giving him a sideways hug, I quietly talk to him.

"Gilbert-Kun, I'm sorry~"

Gilbert just sits, continuing to rock back and forth.

I poke his nose.

"Gilbert-Kun? Please forgive me~ I only wanted to show you how much the kitten looked like you. If you were a cat that's what you would look like~!" I say excitedly pulling him to his feet. I drag him out of the room, much to Oz's disappointment.

"Are you ok now?" I gently pat his head. His face regains color, in fact, he was blushing a bright crimson color now.

Gilbert nods and pulls away. He straightens his shirt and hat. "I'm sorry Gilbert-Kun. I didn't know you were that much of a scaredy cat." He looks angry, but just glares and starts to walk away.

I follow him whistling slowly.

"ofh nhe Gmfh mff..." He mumbles something, pulling his hat low over his face, flushed pale skin barely showing. I frown and skip up closer, cupping my ear and tilting my head towards his mouth.

"What was that?" I say curiously.

"I said you can call me Gil." He said turning away uncomfortably. For a moment I stared at his face. When he looked over to me His blush deepened. I smile, he looks so cute when he blushes. I skip along ahead of him for a moment.

"Ok Gil."

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