Naruto X Reader~ Thank You

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Your POV


I can't help but stare at the boy before me. A red aura of chakra surrounds him, tails of chakra forming behind him. Naruto growls and glares at me, ready to pounce. Slowly, as not to provoke him, I crawl across the dirt toward him.

"Naruto... I-It's me..." I tell him in as calm a voice as I can. Tail whipping gently, Naruto approaches me just as slowly. He gets so close I can feel the heat radiating from the chakra around him. "Oh, Naruto..." I whisper sadly when I notice the burns the chakra was leaving on his skin. He looks at me with eyes full of hurt and rage.

Smiling gently I chuckle and begin to reach out to him with both hands. "Grrraah...!" Naruto snarls at me, but he doesn't move away. Chuckling I hesitantly place my hands on his cheeks, the chakra coating his skin already beginning to burn my skin. "It's ok now Naruto, you don't have to try so hard anymore." I tell him quietly. "You've done more than enough. It's time for you to rest and let your friends help you."

Something flickers in his eyes, he looks like the sweet little boy from the village hidden in the leaves. But just as quickly as that boy had come, he was gone. Replaced by the savage look that had taken over him when the fox did. He quickly grabs my wrist, his claws digging into my skin and making me tear up and gasp.

Suddenly, Naruto stops. He stares at me, looking conflicted. Small trickles of blood began to run down my arms, dripping from my elbows. "Naruto." I call his name and tilt my head, smiling as tears build in  my eyes. "It's ok. You don't have to try so hard anymore. Please don't make yourself suffer anymore."

His tears began to evaporate before they even left his face. "[Y-Y-Y/N]..." He calls my name like it's the only thing he has left. "I'm glad you're back...Naruto." I say as aura around him begins to recede. I quickly pull him close to me, letting him fall apart in my arms. "I-I'm sorry... I'm s-so sorry..." Naruto cries as he hugs me close.

Giggling I ruffle his hair. "Even if the entire world hates you, I'll always be on your side." I tell him, smiling at his surprised reaction. "[Y/N]..."

I carefully lean closer to him and place a gentle kiss on his lips, surprising him further. Naruto flashes a weak smile as his pale cheeks begin to burn with color. Laughing I begin to wipe his teary eyes. "Just remember, no matter what happens, I will always be rooting for you! And if you ever fall apart, I'll be there to put you back together!"

Naruto just smiles and lets me clean up his face. "Thank you for saving me, [Y/N]" Chuckling a little I pause in the middle of wiping a patch of blood from his cheek. "You dummy." I say. "Who else is going to keep you in line?"

Naruto shakes his head and looks at me with a serious expression. "I mean it, [Y/N]. Thank you."

"Anything for you, dummy."




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