Edward X Reader~ Still Want You

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Narrator POV

Someone who REALLY loves you,

"Mm..." Moonlight streaks through the window, illuminating the white sheets. Edward gently nudges the girl sleeping next to him. "[Y/N]?" His whispers fill the cold night. You give a soft moan in reply and curl up closer to him. He smiles and gives a gentle chuckle. You open your eyes a crack and look up at him, your sleepy smile brightening your face. "What's up?" You whisper.

Ed's smile widens as he buries his head in your hair. "Nothing... Just thought you needed to know that I love you." You giggle and bury your face in his chest. "I know... "

"Ed?" You say while you yawn. He smiles and looks at your face. "Hmm?" You yawn again and bury yourself deeper into his chest, taking in his sweet musk. "I love you more than... than..."

For a few moments silence fills the room. Your soft, sleeping breath colliding with his warm neck. "[Y/N]?" He whispers. "[Y/N]?" Sighing, Ed snuggled closer and closed his eyes, falling asleep with your words of love stirring in his mind.

Sees what a mess you can be,


Hearing his name, the young man turns. "Oh, [Y/N]," He says, looking back at the plaque on the small stone buried in the grass. You walk up to him and gently touch his arm. Tears glisten on his cheeks as he looks at the small grave. "Ed, are you ok?" You whisper, looking up to him. He gives a cruel smile and turns away from you, not answering. "Edward, you can't save everyone." You begin as you look at the stone.

"I-I know I just thought... I thought..." His voice cracks and he can't finish. Pain and sorrow and anger line his tense jaw. You purse your lips and pull him into a hug. His tears soon soak your shirt. You rub his back as he shudders.

"I know," you coo. "It will be ok. Think of all the people you've saved, Ed. If it weren't for you billions of people would be dead." He pulled away from you and looked into your eyes. You could see just how much it hurt him, how much he suffered everyday. Frowning you took his head in your hands. Gently, you press your lips against his, tasting the bitter-sweet saltiness of his tears.

Taking his hand, you begin to pull him away. "Come on, you need some sleep and a nice cup of hot tea." He doesn't argue, simply wipes his face on his sleeve and gives the ground a small smile.

Before we get too far, you can't help but look back at the stone marked in big, bold letters. Nina Tucker.

How moody you can get,


"Ed please!"


Trying to calm him, you try to gently pull him away from the forming crowd. "Edward, please, your making a scene!" You whisper urgently, glancing around you. Ed's face burns red with anger as he takes another step closer to the man who dared to call him short. Sighing, you step in front of him before he can stop you. "Excuse him," You say to the big, burly man. "He's very sensitive about his height."

"Should be," Says the man, sneering at you and drawing closer. "YOU B-" Ed begins to yell again but you stop him by stomping on his foot. "Shut. Up."

You smile at the man and begin to pull Ed away again, more forcefully this time. Ed shrugs out of your grip and storms off ahead of you. Struggling to keep up you run along beside him. "Ed! Slow down!" You say.

He stops and you run right into his back. Ed sighs and shakes his head, looking at you. "I'm sorry, [Y/N]." You chuckle and wrap your arms around him. "It's ok. I know you get moody when people talk about your height." He buries his face in your hair, mumbling angry nonsense. Giggling, you back up and give him a light kiss. "If it makes you feel any better," You whisper in his ear, "I find your height very attractive, Elric."

How hard you are to handle,

"Edward Elric, you drink your milk." You say, hands on your hip as you glare him. Ed slowly turns his head to you, his arms crossed defiantly. "No." He says.

"That's it! I've had enough!" You grab the glass and lounge at him. Taking the glass you try to pry open the boys mouth.  "NOO!" He screams and flails around. "I WILL NOT DRINK ANYTHING THAT CAME OUT OF A COW!"

For a moment, you and Ed roll around, spilling the milk all over until it's gone. "Great, look what you've done!" You say, beginning to wipe up the spilled milk with a rag. "Me?" He says. "You jumped on me. This is your fault."

You sigh and punch his arm. "You idiot. I'm the girlfriend, therefore everything is your fault and I'm always right." He laughs and ruffles your hair. "You wish."

You flick his nose and giggle as he pulls you into a kiss. "Your such a child, Elric." He laughs and rests his cheek on your head as you curl up into his chest. "Love you too, [Y/N]."

But still wants you in their life.

"Ed, What are you doing?"

Ed sits on the couch, looking at alchemy books. He turns to see you and smiles. "Just reading some old books." You stand in the hall, in your nightgown, staring at him. Sighing, you walk over and plop down next to him. "Ed, it's two in the morning. Why are you reading so early?" He looks at you with a serious expression.

"[Y/N], do you love me?" You stare at him with tired eyes. Rubbing your eyes, you sigh at lean your head on his shoulder. "What kind of question is that? Of course I do, you idiot." He sighed and held you close, setting his book to the side. "And you know I love you?"

Sighing you snuggle into his chest and wrap your arms around him. Yawning you mumble, "Yeah. Is there a point to this? I think you should come and sleep with me, you can't stay up all night." He smiles at you. "[Y/N], I know I'm a real jerk and an idiot, but I love you."

You nod into his shirt. "Mhm..."

He laughs and shakes you gently. "Yeah? Yes?" You say. opening your eyes and looking at him. "[Y/N]..." He kisses your forehead. "[Y/N], could you put up with me for the rest of your life?" Smiling, you nod and whisper, "Yeah, I think I could handle that."



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