Jack Vessalius X Reader~ Kiss And Tell

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To LokisAsgard (And all other readers),

Sorry this took so long, and sorry it's kinda short. Also, I'm really sorry if he's out of character. Please let me know if you don't like it I will delete it and make a new one!         ~The Author


Reader POV


"Yes?" The blonde turns to look at me as we lay in the open, grassy field outside the Vessalius estate. Birds sing their morning songs as they flutter about in the sky. Without looking at him, I smile and begin to speak. "I had almost forgotten," I turn to him and squint away the rising sun. "Will you attend the celebration of the new Glen Baskerville?"

Jack looks away and quickly tries to hide his sorrows with a smile. "I don't know, [Y/N]..." Scooting closer to him, I gently rest a hand on his arm. "Jack, I know you cared deeply for Lacie," I gave a soft smile, "But Oswald is your friend, is he not? You should go. He suffers too, you know?"

He turns his entire body on it's side, facing me. His face holds a suffering smile and sad, glinting eyes. "But is it not he who sent her away?"

For a moment I sit there unable to speak. Then I frown and look into his deep green eyes. "You know he didn't want to, Jack, he loved her just as much as you did."

Jack stares at me for the longest time, frowning, looking like he is searching for something. Heat rises to my face and I can't help but look back to the awakening sky and clear my throat. After a few more minutes of Jack simply staring, ignoring my discomfort, he scoots closer. "You think that I loved her?"

My head whips to face him, my mouth gaping. "Y-You didn't...?" His eyes sparkle with amusement as he laughs the hearty laugh I have grown to love. "Not as a lover! She was my best friend!" I can't keep the frown from my face as he talks. "Besides you of course. No one can top you!" Again Jack laughs and ruffles my hair.

"Jack!" I whine and do my best to fix what he had tangled. He just laughs at my flustered state. "Hmph!" I puff my cheeks and stick my tongue out at him.

"Besides," He says, finally calming and looking back to the morning sun. "I could never love her. Not even if I tried."

"Jack...?" I look at him as my heart beat begins to echo inside my head.

"I love someone else," He begins with a look of awe in his sparkling green eyes. "The woman I love is nothing less than perfection. She has the brain of a million scholars, and the beauty of a million gems!" Jack's smile could light up the world the way he talks about this woman.

My heart falls and I feel like I might be sick with jealousy. "O-Oh?" I say. I look up at the clouds, letting my eyes soak up the tears that threaten to spill. "Wh-Who Is she?"

Jack snorts and pats my head. "I could never tell!" His finger slides over his mouth like a child trying to seal a secret in his lips. Again I feel hot tears trying to burn through. So I swallow my feelings and give Jack a smirk.

"Why not? Afraid I might spill?" I tease. Jack's own face twists into a smirk. "No,"

"Oh? Then why not?" I feel my face heat up, the way it does when I'm angry or about to cry.

"Because, you silly little girl." Jack slides next to me in a second and tilts my face to his while caressing my chin. "J-Jack?" My own surprise takes over and I am completely powerless against his hypnotizing presence. Quick as he had come, he plants a soft peck on the tip of my nose and slides back to his seat on the grassy hill.

"You don't kiss and tell."


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