Leo Baskerville X Reader~ I Love You

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This ones for you, @allygabrielle888 am sorry, I know this is bad. If you want me to redo this I will try my best.
Narrator POV

"Leo." His name comes out as a hoarse whisper, barely audible despite the silence of the room. The boy pauses his ascent, one hand still on the rail as he turns.

"Glen." He says, voice soft. His striking purple eyes stare through you with a calculating coldness you had never seen. You breath catches in your throat, hands trembling with his words. "Leo is gone."

A sharp intake of breath forces it's way into your lungs. All the warmth and love was gone from his eyes. He was right, he was not Leo. But Leo was not gone, you would not believe it.

"Please," your voice shakes, trembling hands gripping the fabric of your dress. "Please Leo." Taking a few steps forward, you don't look away. For what if you do, and whatever small part of Leo you had left disappeared?

Your eyes are blurry as your knees begin to shake. "Leo, this isn't you." It becomes harder to stand. "You love reading. You love being around the people you care about, even if you don't speak to them. You don't need to." A choked sob escapes your lips, a hand covers your mouth to muffle the sounds. Leo takes a step down, he looks slightly surprised by the way your speaking to him. A cold rage bubbles behind his glossy hues.

You struggle with your words, your heart constricting painfully as you slowly slide to the floor, unable to support yourself anymore. "You loved being with Elliot."

His body stands still, muscles stiff as though he were battling within himself. "S-stop it!" He yells. Tears burn your eyes, you can't look at him any more. "And you know he loved being with you." Your voice was almost to broken to distinguish. "He trusted you more than he trusted himself." Leo takes a shaky step down. When you finally look up, he is just a blob in the fuzzy mess of tears. "But you knew that, didn't you?"

Anger radiates from him as he stalks up to you. He grabs you by the front of your dress, pulling you up violently. A small gasp pushes past your lips as you look up at his face. For the first time you notice the tears in his eyes.

"What makes you think you can speak to me in such a manner?" His voice comes out dangerously low, a foreign hatred in it. "Wh-what makes you think," his tears begin to fall, sliding down his cheeks, his hands loosening their grip as he begins to slide to the floor. "You can talk about him?"

You stand frozen for a moment, listening to his sobs of pain. "Why?" He cries. You slowly lower yourself, gathering him into your arms. "Leo," you whisper, rubbing circles on his back. "I knew you were still there."

His teeth clench as his arms tighten around you. "I'm so sorry." He whispers. "I'm sorry."

You place a gentle kiss on his head. "It's ok Leo."

"I love you."

X Reader One Shots~ Meow~~Where stories live. Discover now