Neji X Reader~ You Never Fail

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Neji POV


"My fate is what I decide to make it, so don't you dare tell me what I can and can't achieve!" She yelled at me as her pointer finger jabbed into my chest each time she emphasized a word.

"Face it, you'll never be anything more than a weak, amateur ninja! Your destiny is-" I tried to yell back. She cut me off mid sentence by slapping me across the face. When I looked back to yell some more, I saw her face. There were angry tears in her eyes as she glared at me, the subtle hurt in her expression barely visible.

As I stared, she turned and stomped away. Her [H/L], [H/C] hair swayed slightly with each footstep. Light made her skin glow and her hair shine. I stood slightly amused, but stunned at the same time.

-=(New Flashback)=-

Footsteps sounded in the hall, small voices following them.

"Hello Hinata!" A voice called, muffled by the door.

"H-Hello [Y-Y/N]" Hinata replied.

"Is Neji here?" [Y/N] asked.

"H-He's in hi-his room..." Hinata said quieter.

Moments later the footsteps got louder and [Y/N] burst in. I glared at her before saying "Ever hear the term 'Knocking'?" She rolled her eyes and sat next to me on my bed, edging close. "What do you want?" I asked with a cold tone. She just smiled up at me, despite my obvious irritation. "Well..." She started looking down at her hands before awkwardly scratching the back of her neck and looking to the side. "I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry... Your my friend and I really didn't want to make you angry. I just don't feel the same way.. I'm sorry for yelling at you and slapping you."

I looked at her, shocked. [Y/N] didn't apologize very often. Even if it was her fault. 

"Soo... Yeah!" She said before she quickly jumped off the bed and over to the door. She gave a closed-eye smile and waved as she started to close the door. "See ya around, ya dork!" She called.

I let a small smile form as I watched the door where she had been only seconds before.

-=(New Flashback)=-

"Neji!" She called my name as two masked ninja threw their kunai. I quickly dodged and jumped over to where [Y/N] was. "Stay behind me." I told her gruffly. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "What? You don't think I can protect myself?" She crossed her arms and looked at me, amused.

"I cannot allow my comrade to die." I told her simply. Taking out two kunai and throwing them at the ninja. "Well either can I." She said as she ran around me, shuriken in hand. She threw them at the ninja and flipped over them, landing behind them. Making quick hand signs, She shouted "Poisoned gass jutsu!" Purple gass poured from her open mouth and surrounded the two ninja. In an instant they were down.

[Y/N] smiled and looked at me. "They aren't dead, I didn't have enough chakra from last battle to kill them. But we should be good to go ahead." With that she started to walk away.

"Coming?" She said looking back.

I grunted and followed after her, amused by her performance.


"Neji! I've been looking everywhere for you!" [Y/N] squeals as she runs up to me. I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms. "What do you want?"

"Don't be so grumpy!" She giggles and fake pouts. She pulls on my arm, dragging me down the street. "Just come with me..." she says with excitement burning in her eyes.

When we get to a large hill over looking Konoha, she releases me. For a moment we both sit and stare at the sun as it slowly creeps lower and lower. "What am I here for? I don't like wasting my time." I say with distaste. She sighs and pulls me back to lay with her. "Because I wanted to show you something! We have to wait until it gets darker..."

"Hmph..." I grumble and get comfortable on the ground.

"Neji..." [Y/N] whispers my name, half leaning over me as she pokes my cheek. I grunt and open my eyes slightly. I see [Y/N], her beautiful closed-eye smile, her soft cheeks glowing with the light of the moon, her [H/C] hair caressing her angelic face.

"Wake up sleepy head!" She teases. Slowly I slide up into a sitting position and rub my eyes. "What?" She smiles happily and spreads her arms, gesturing to the sky. "It's beginning!"

As if it were waiting for her introduction, the sky quickly lights up until it's almost as bright as day. Hundreds of meteors streak across the sky like shooting stars. I glance over to [Y/N]. A content smile spreads on her face as she watches the meteors. Smiling, I take her face in my hand and tilt her head towards me. She looks confused and worried until I begin to speak.

"My fate lies with you, [Y/N]." I say slowly. "You never fail to amaze me. Everyday there is something new that makes me love you even more than the day before."

She smiles at me before shaking her head. Her eyes sparkle as she leans closer to me. "There is one thing about my fate that I can never change." She closes her eyes and presses her lips to mine. One of her hands rests on my shoulder, the other flat on the grass. I bring one hand up and caress her cheek, relishing in the feeling of her soft skin. Slowly, her eyes open as she pulls away, still only an inch from my face. She smiles and finishes her thought.

"I will always love you."

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