Kirito X Reader~ Beautiful Tragedy

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Desperate. Lost. Alone.

The boy hugged his arms closer to himself, trying to stop himself from crying out. The room was dark, the only light coming from the moon shining through the window. Black threads of hair rested on the boys arms and desk, his face buried into his sleeves.

Fragile. Broken. Defeated.

He couldn't stop telling himself he should have listened.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, it'll be fun! We do this all the time!" He said, smiling at the girl beside him. "I know..." The girl frowned and looked at her hands. "I just... I have a bad feeling about this, Kirito."

Tortured. Helpless. Scared.

He hated it. Hated everything. Himself, the dungeon, the game, especially Kayaba. He wished he never met you. At least then, you might still be alive.

Two figures stood at the entrance to the dungeon. One tall, clothed in all black. The other shorter, nervously standing a few feet behind the taller one. "Maybe we should go to one of the lower floors."

The boy smiled, his dark eyes shinning. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Oh, how he failed.

Hurt. Heartbroken. Shattered.

He stood, legs shaking beneath him. His hands clutched both sides of the wooden desk so hard, his knuckles turned white. "Forgive me..." He whispered as his head bent down, shadows and hair covering his eyes.

The girl slashed again and again until the beast before her exploded into crystalline shards.

"See?" The boy swung his sword up onto his shoulder, his free hand resting on his hip. "Easy, right?" She laughed at him and shook her head. "You're just asking for trouble, aren't you?" He shrugged and began to walk further into the tunnels. "I could use a challenge."

He regretted saying that now.

Tired. Sad. Confused.

Tears fell onto the wood of the virtual desk. Quiet sobs choked him as he squeezed his eyes shut. It was all his fault.

You smiled at him as he held you in his arms. "[Y/N]... I'm so sorry..." Large, crystal like tears dripped onto your face.

"Don't worry Kirito." You said. As you lifted your hand to touch his cheek, your body began to glow. "I'll find you again. It's ok." Your fingers gently brushed away his tears, causing him to close his eyes and clench his teeth.

Soft lips met his, a final kiss before you went. "I love you, Kazuto." You whispered to him. When he pulled back, he watched as tears slipped from your eyes, running down your smiling face.

And then, you were gone. The shards that were you exploded into a brilliant display of color and crystal.

The boys whole body shuddered with the agony of the cries he held in. It was odd, he thought. Having you so close to him and then, suddenly, it was like you just disappeared. Your death was quick, and your life in this horror tragic.

But it was such a beautiful tragedy.




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